About Coins in a two words. List of Cryptocurrency. First level. Table of contents. A crib with description of Cryptocurrency.
A crib with a description of сryptocurrency. What is ...
List of cryptocurrency:
- Bitcoin - digital gold. Father of cryptocurrency.
- Ethereum - smart contracts. Father of the ICO. Solidity. Vitalik.
- Ripple - gateways for banks. Replacement of SWIFT.
- Litecoin - easy and fast fork of bitcoin, activated support for Segwit.
- Ethereum Classic - twin brother of Ethereum, decided to go his own way. The DAO.
- NEM - blockchain on c ++ with emphasis on the proof of importance. Harvesting instead of mining.
- DASH - anonymous transactions. Darkcoin.
- IOTA - microtransactions without commission for the Internet of things.
- Monero - anonymous transactions. Obfuscation and mixing. CryptoNote.
- Stratis - the development platform for blockchain, blockchain for applications. C#.
- BitShares - creation of decentralized autonomous companies. DPos. Graphene. @dantheman. Steemit. EOS.
- Zcash - Confidentiality of transactions: the sender, the receiver and the amount are private. In total there will be 21 million coins.
- Waves - blockchain platform. Tokens issue. ICO start base. LPoS.
- Bytecoin - anonymous transactions. CryptoNote. Pre-mining the main number of coins!
- Golem - Rent computing power of computers. On Ethereum.
- Steem - the currency of the first social network on the blockchain. Steemit. BitShares. Larimer.
- Siacoin - Cloud storage. Rent space on the computer.
- Factom - superstructure above the blockchain to write data. The data library. Licensing. Confidence.
- Lisk - a platform for blocking applications. Sidechain. Javascript.
- BitConnect - is a coin for investment and income generation. MMM? Scam?
- DigiByte - blocking with an emphasis on cybersecurity, payments and secure communications.
- Augur - market of predictions, bets on events from the world. Bookmaker 2.0. On Ethereum.
- Gnosis - bets on events from the world, but the answer is given by one Oracle in contrast to Augur.
- Dogecoin - the fork of Litecoin. Joke. Tip. Charity. Attention of users.
- Stellar Lumens - branch of Ripple. McCaleb. MtGox. FCK / YOU.
Fulfillment of the list comes from the site http://coinmarketcap.com/ by the market cap.
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This is a nice way of listing, small explanations but enough to know or this could be a project you could potentially invest in. This list is a first step in doing research about certain coins!
Thank you. I like format that I can use at any time if I forgot something.
I will add other currency to this post part by part and will make middle level posts about interesting coins.
And I'm very thankful for your work! 😎
In this days so many posts and in this case my posts are invisible.
Hope this info will help people who came from google)
if bitcoin struggles because of SegWit August 1st rift then alt coins will stand to benefit. People may lose faith in Bitcoin and start to move their investments out and into other coins. I'm hoping for this because my of my money is in ETH and other alt coins
The market could see quite a boom after August 1st but its hard to say whether Bitcoin will flop or stay on top. All i know if LTC is a good investment right now. Way under priced.
good post about mind games and variants after 1 Aug https://medium.com/@jimmysong/uasf-bip148-scenarios-and-game-theory-9530336d953e
I think about move some invest to bitcoin before 1 Aug for receive 2 lines of blockchain (duplicates) like who hold 1000 ETH now have 1000 ETH and 1000 ETC.
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