
Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: 🎁! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.

We are loving Choon at too!

So much so that we integrated it into the site as soon as it launched.

What is It's a way to get your tracks played by others! You add links to your Choon tracks and then listen to other people's tracks to earn "play credits" which you can then use to put your own tracks into rotation.

We have also created a lot of playlists and with reference to the "50% to curators" mentioned by @Amphlux we have a playlist that only contains tracks that offer at least 50% to playlist curators.

Do you want to EARN CURATION REWARDS AUTOMATICALLY and help independent musicians?

@MusicVoter is part of the Atom Collector Records family
Add dsound, Musicoin, Choon, SoundCloud, Spotify, BandCamp, DTube and YouTube
Get MORE FANS and earn $INDIE!

Choon On! :)

Cosmic is my new guest on my House playlist. And thanks for this information Amphlux. :)

Good write-up mate, hopefully this will help people understand a little more about the platform :)

@amphlux, you are interested in reading, maybe you read me too

... excellent article on excellent choon music platform - need embedded players / volume control / playlist % change ability / crypto currency exchange etc but nearly there - the music block chain space is bright

check out choon example here

or check out this eclectica electronica playlist here

get on / get playing / get gaining ...

great post my friend. im on there as theinfamousit and am so excited about its future. i will def be checking your tunes/playlists out!!! great to see others on the lookout!