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RE: A World Changing Event to Unite the Cryptocurrency and Psychedelic Communities has Finally Arrived

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

What wonderful news!!! I knew this day was upon us fast! So so so exciting. I am literally the only person I know who is a disciple of psilocybin And a devotee of cannabis AND a proselytizer for cryptocurrencies! and the fall of rome for "the ninth time this hour".

This is the most amazing news I've ever seen on Steemit.

I posted a while ago when I first joined Steemit about how the psychedelic community needs to get onto Steemit, especially our best friends over at the DMT-Nexus. To get all the psychedelic pioneers to join forces to announce our presence in a subtle invisible kind of way where we are like the buddhas above the clouds in the tenth dimension that invisibly shape the world through our insight that we have downloaded from these totally outlandish hyperspatial trans-temporal domains.

Anyway, so happy to see this. Steemit will be a beautiful way to fund finally all these scientific projects that have been waiting to happen for these last dark decades of fear and the war on drugs. With cryptocurrency and Steemit the government or any other central authority has no control over the money supply. Which means where the money goes is ruled entirely by the free market. This my friends is a true democracy wherein the vote of the popular opinion wins the honey! Thus, what I'm saying is because we now actually have valuable voting power, we are no longer in need of elections or governments to decide for us. We for the first time in human history together as a collective will be able to decide.

As Terence Mckenna pointed out long ago, we who are awake to the possibility of the fractal psychedelic mystery number many more among us than we realize. But now we have new technologies. And we are going to come out into the light.

There never was a renaissance in human history.
The only true Renaissance is happening now!

Good luck to everyone and good luck to your talk!
May the force be with you.