Is Litecoin Still Undervalued?

Apart from that Litecoin was the First Cryptocurrency to implement Segregated Witness.
If that was not enough they also tested out the Lightning Network immediately after Seg-Wit.
Plus it's just an added Bonus that the Transaction Fees in Litecoin Network is close to Zero.

For example, if you buy a Coffee in Starbucks and want to pay in cryptocurrency. How will you Pay?
Bitcoin transaction will be slow
Ethereum network gets clogged all the Time due to several ICO's
Litecoin is the only Option for you.
Now some of you might say DASH could beat Litecoin. But you also have to consider the Low Cap of DASH which does not make it suitable for Payments.
What do you guys think about it?
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I have been saying on steemit that litecoin has been undervalued since around $45.00.
Here is a website that takes info from coinmarketcap and adds in a feature where you can see the price of a coin if it were to have the same supply as bitcoin, there you would see ripple is so overvalued and litecoin has plenty of room to break out.
heres the site
Litecoin certainly has more room to grow than ripple and it will interesting to see how the cheaper transaction fees will impact the price.
Yes ripple is overly hyped.
I HODLed Litecoin since it was 10 USD and sold half my Holdings when it reached 400 USD.
I have always been a Fan of LTC.
I will check out the website you linked.
I've been increasing it a bit. I agree it's undervalued too.
Yeah keep stacking up the LTC's
I have just had the honest impression since day one that LTC was a more accessible and much faster way of engaging in the crypto world, and that was before I ever really got into the technical aspects of these technologies. Now I can be certain that LTC is head and shoulders above BTC in transaction speed, it's available but not too plentiful, it trades with relative stability, the average person sees a reputable brand and it has a creator and team behind it that are ultra strong in retrospect. LTC is a no brainer to buy and hold for a long time for me and posts like yours confirm the popularity of that belief!
I have been steadily stacking up my LTC from my Steemit earnings. I am really hoping it crosses 1000 USD.
Solid plan. I think there will come a day when LTC hits a grand but it might be a year away... we shall see!! Good luck Litecoin brother!
This post has received a 3.68 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @arunava.
Thank you for this informative post about Litecoin, Really helpful and well written, Thanks for sharing @arunava
Thanks to you to
Great Post :)
Can litecoin can go bigger than bitcoin?
Nope I don't think k it will go bigger than BTC but there is plenty of room for it to Grow
I agree. BTC will be for storing wealth. LTC will be used for everyday transactions.
This post has received a 1.45 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @arunava
I must say am a novice wen it comes to all dis metals.i had neva heared of litecoin just bitcoin .Litecoin should be more popular since its valued at 84million while bitcoin is 24 million.tnx for the enlightenment