RM 174,966 ($43,132.62 USD) worth of Bitcoin stolen by “opportunity cost” – Too GOOD to be TRUE?
When it comes to something that promise you a very high return in short time, you probably want to think about it as that is a clear sign the thing will go sideways from what we expected. That can be called as scam. But hey, just lend me a couple minute of your time.
“People want to see then believe” - MrBe Diff
Should you know that bitcoin is the product of revolutionized money after we went through the revolution phase which initially come from barter system and eventually become electronic currency /money such as e-commerce, online banking etc. Back in 2010, there was several campaign to minimize paper receipt production like ‘Go Paperless’ or ‘Go Green’
But again as long as the currency backed with fiat currency i.e USD, JPY etc. inflation is still the main enemy for this currency class. It happened in the country like Zimbabwe’s, Indonesia and also Malaysia as well during financial crisis in 1992 & 1994 where the Malaysia government losses RM39.6 billion ( $ 9.76 billion USD) in foreign exchange. You can check full news here. RM39.6b are BNM forex outlows
Worth of RM 29,926 when Mainframe ATH with no capital investment

Worth of RM 145,040 when Ontology token ATH without capital investment, only small action needed – SUBSCRIBE their email!

Fiat currency is storing of value?
The only reason you believed that fiat is storing value because you can hold a piece of paper that was putted a value in it? Or the number on the paper stills the same after one week you got your salary?
Hey, look back when the currency having revolution after the “worthless” of the barter system. The additional things like metal coin or whatever it’s into the currency chain is actually increasing the fluctuating in the exchange value.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get” – Warrant Buffett.
With this quote by billionaire Warren Buffett, it shows that nothing is wrong with barter system plus it’s more transparent without anyone controlling the value. That means fiat currency value is actually depending on the government (or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value) to maintaining the value. The main problem on the barter system is that the volume was less or low liquidity then followed by risk of non-delivery and lack of double coincident of needed while fiat money is based solely on the faith and credit of the economy.

The history of bartering dated all the way back to 6000 BC and it’s sustained until the revolution on the currency changing to use dinar’s back to AH 77 (696–697 AD). Because of the “cunning individual” see the chances for themselves, fiat paper was created way back to 1000 AD for the first use recorded in China. Till then, fiat money continue to follow revolution until gold as standard, which backed U.S. currency with federal gold, ended completely in 1973 when the United States also stopped issuing gold to foreign governments in exchange for U.S. currency notes.

"The root problem with conventional currencies is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust.” - Satoshi Nakamoto
In Malaysian 2017, a survey about cryptocurrency was conducted to roughly 56 person in Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur. And their reaction about it is as expected. Almost 35% have no idea what crypto is, 12% response as ICO and the big 44% said that cryptocurrency is bitcoin.

“Digital currencies, perhaps most notably Bitcoin, have captured the imagination of some, struck fear among others, and confused the heck out of the rest of us.” – Thomas Carper, US-Senator
If you ask me where did I know much about this digital Assets, my answer will be from huobi.com campaign titled “Huobi story second session – Do you know cryptocurrency?” ( ☺ hihihi.. i come to make you happy, lets continue.. )
Honestly , i know nothing about cryptocurrency before till i meet someone famous that goes by the name “Darth Vader” among his community. He is Mr. Shukri Hamid who had holding financial certificated that (the only one who) responsible to help Malaysia people to get involve behind the cryptocurrency and blockchain when having a class “building empire of luxury from various source”. You can join us as Jemaah Darth Vader community through this Telegram link: https://t.me/Airdrops_JDV

The big noticeable difference between barter and currency systems is that a currency system uses an agreed-upon form of paper or coin money as an exchange system rather than directly trading goods and services through bartering. Cryptocurrency uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency. Essentially, cryptocurrencies have limited entries in a database that no one can change unless specific conditions are fulfilled.
In fact, today's attackers have it much easier while everything is on internet. To improvise those problems on the medium of exchange from barter trade until electronic money, the mysterious person using the name Satoshi Nakamoto was invented to Bitcoin late 2008 and released as open-source software in 2009. The software tends to be open source, which means anyone can look at it and ensure it does what it’s meant to. Notable cryptocurrencies include bitcoin, ether and litecoin.
Bitcoin are created to work as a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator, though in practice many aspects of its use are centralized. Bitcoins can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network directly, without the need for intermediaries, though intermediaries are widely used. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain.
Transactions are typically recorded in decentralized ledgers (e.g. the famous blockchain), so no central authority controls the cryptocurrency or can alter the transactions recorded – unlike with dollars, pounds or euros, which are issued by a central bank.
NO INTERNET – NO BITCOIN – Don’t think too much

In fact, people in the world know that paper money a.k.a fiat currency was facing problem with inflations since its independent from 1971 until today but again, they are still “alive” in this world for the pass over 47 years old. The 1st Internet was born in November 1969, making the Internet 49 years old and the modern internet was born in January 1983 and becomes around 35 years old. According to the howoldistheinter.net, internet was born in March 12, 1989. Yet internet still here and “what have you done today to make it better?”
It’s the future. Cryptocurrencies are being hailed by many as a revolution in the monetary system: a way of transferring borderless digital money in a secure manner, where everyone can see that the transaction has taken place and is legitimate. Plus, since no single party typically controls cryptocurrencies (though this could change as central banks and investment banks consider developing their own – it’s big in Japan), money can keep on flowing even if a part of the network is down.

It also means they can be used when other forms of money aren’t available, e.g. when you’re traveling to a country whose banks face sanctions. International payments can be made to any country for free, or subject to much lower fees than conventional bank transfers. Meanwhile, the underlying distributed ledger technology has potentially thousands of applications beyond cryptocurrency, from healthcare to vehicle registration.
Cryptocurrencies come with significant risks, however: for one, prices have been extremely volatile (just asks Darren’s cousin’s roommate’s sister). This has partly to do with them being a nascent phenomenon; questions remain over how people will use them, and how regulators will treat them. And, since anyone with access to a token’s unique code can spend it, it’s possible for hackers to steal cryptocurrencies. Again you’re advice not to publishing/exposing/sharing your private key; it’s like your life.
You may heard about bubble dot com back to 1997-2001 after about 8 years internet was born. On that time you’re probably doing nothing with such of “opportunity” to earn some money and making your life better. In fact, blockchain technology popular back to 2009 after Laszlo Hanyecz made the first real-world transaction by buying two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida for 10,000 BTC back to On 22 May 2010; 1 year after bitcoin network launched in 2009. – That is 8 year ago and something happen to the bubble dot com.
Financial market are FRACTAL, and Patterns tend to REPEAT itself
If you’re comparing the bubble dot com history and relate it into blockchain development, personally it was the usage of the internet and not about cryptocurrency that is going to burst. That should be our perfect time looking for the project stand or build on top of blockchain like most of initial coin offering (ICO).

ICO’s have been in vogue lately and “the bubble burst” in 2017 with increasing from 617 to 1355 projects on exchange i.e they more than doubled over a year. According to the DRI Index (formed by Digital Assets Rating Agency; DigRate) they are a lot of ICO on 2018 (504 ICO’s detected) was scammed and fail. That figure shows many entrepreneurs from different background try to take a chance in the trending developments, but only a few have managed to create really well-built solution from the cryptograph spaces
Ride the BIGGER wave – BITCOIN ETF
I had a unique opportunity to attend the Vietnam Blockchain Festival at the GEM Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on May 24 and 25! I learned about many new projects addressing existing problems with blockchain, supply chains, making health records available while maintaining privacy, and securing digital assets. I also met with friendly people and made some new connections. This even host by Huobi.pro - top 3 crypto exchange ( register your self here ).

New trend is emerging

The next wave if you’re interested to be part of the early of the revolution after the 3rd wave was in 2017, this is THE ONLY ONE opportunity left for you and me when Bitcoin get approval for future-base ETF trade

Bitcoin price react - high possibility when we're looking at GOLD ETF introduced 2003-2004
"but late February is the most likely target for a decision - Jake Chervinsky
According to the Jake Chervinsky (Lawyer - Government enforcement defense & securities litigation) – “Yet, because of how the law work, SEC can do three major extension to approve or deny an ETF by maximum 240 days to approve or deny an ETF (45 + 45 + 90 + 60)”.

There is no more room to make excuses!!
Read my mentor talking about me in his facebook post that may I hope will inspiring you to at least do something worth for your life.

Yes, it’s true that I’m still struggling to clear my name from bad financial record in the banking system that brings me nowhere. Sold my house, my car and all. After I’m with his community as head of ICO’s research, I’m learn much about blockchain and the business behind that, then I saw chances in cryptocurrency space where there is a lot opportunity to earn some money to continue my journey to be debt-less.
In fact, the crypto start-up space has been booming in the past year. In the first half of 2018 alone there was more money invested in cryptocurrency start-ups compare to 2017 all year round. So if you want to invest using your capital into the start-up company through ICO, you might want to take 1 step back due to much way to get some money or maybe you will be the next of me or 2 other members that sensei mentioned to share your successful story.
Remember, he’s the one that teaching us to “trade” in 3 different instruments (stock market, forex & crypto) with his formula of ….hurm.. If I told you snowball effect so you already think about how to settle your debt but there is a hint and you can try to find it. We’re here, learning how to invest in correct way and together riding the bigger wave of market volatility – no Sifu in Malaysia teach me like this before.

THE END - I want to say “thank you” to you all that read my sharing. Put your hand to your heart now and say this - “today I must do something!!”