The real-world value of Cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Many coins are traded and traded and traded even more.
But a coin is also a thing to exchange value.
How are crypos doing on in the real world? I'll show some examples in this article.

Fair Coin
Recently the Fair Coin team posted on their twitter account that it is now possible to pay in a bicycle store in Córdoba, Argentina with Fair Coin.
Fair Coin seems to be one of the coins out there that tries to create a currency with real world use. The team aims to keep a relatively stable value of the coin and focusses on payment possibility instead of speculation.

Gulden is a Dutch initiave. Before the introduction of the Euro, the national currency of the Netherlands was Gulden. Although this coin is nowhere associated with the government or what so ever, it is one coin that has various use cases. One of the first spending possibilities was to pay with it in the taxi's in the city of Groningen. Many other shops also offer the possibility to pay with Gulden. In an interview Rijk Plasman, founder of Gulden, mentioned that it is his dream that one can pay with gulden in the major Dutch supermarket Albert Heijn.

Obviously bitcoin is the coin that is accepted in most places, though in recent months the transaction fees were so high that is was unpractical to pay with bitcoin. Though recent introduction of the lightning network greatly cut down the fees.

Litecoin seems a fair and fast alternative to bitcoin to pay with. Though I must say that recent coins that have been introduced offer much lower transaction fees (such as Stellar).

Stellar Lumens
On their website they claim: "Move Money Across Borders Quickly, Reliably, And For Fractions Of A Penny". I must say, that recently, when I had to move money from one exchange to another, for example, my choice for a currency was Stellar.
The good point about stellar is indeed that there are very low transaction fees (around $0.01) and that transactions are very fast.

For fast and cheap transactions, my coin of choice would be Stellar Lumens. Though Litecoin is a good alternative as it is accepted in many places.


Litepay might be able to push the industry forward. Let's see how it goes.