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RE: I Did It! Again!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Nice trade, but that's really playing with fire. The unexpected can happen and I know a lot of people got their accounts blown up due to things that were kind of out of their control once the trades were in (can't exit a position if they lock trading, for one, and exchanges do that kind of stuff randomly and without notice or mercy).

Also, I guess requirements for disclosing referral links aren't the same everywhere, but it would be nice to mention that it's a referral link you have there. Good luck trading!


Thanks, it's not really playing with fire when I've only opened my account with £30 though, it's an amount I'm willing to lose - so anything's a bonus. I appreciate a lot of people do get stung day-trading, that's why I'm very conservative with what I've put into my BitMEX account until I feel more confident and get better at it.

Ah yeah, sure, I'll change it to say it's a referral link, I never really thought about it, I don't get much traffic to my blog anyway and I thought it was obvious. But I'll change the wording anyway so it's more clear.

Thanks for stopping by :)