Yahoo Japan Entering The Crypto Exchange Game

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


It looks as though Yahoo Japan is set to enter the cryptocurrency game with a takeover of the Bitarg cryptocurrency exchange.

There seems to be a stark divide in the attitudes of traditional companies when it comes to cryptocurrency. Some of the biggest names in the game; Facebook, Google, Twitter, have all shunned blockchain technology and seem as though they want nothing to do with it. While other companies like, Overstock, 5miles, and now Yahoo Japan have embraced the new technology and are looking for ways to capitalize on it's emergence.

I for one think that early adoption by companies will be the key to success. Similarly to the way Netflix disrupted the movie rental game, I believe blockchain technology could have similar effects but, on a much larger economic scale.

Time will tell which companies made the right move but, I for one am excited about the disruption blockchain technology has already caused in the market and look forward to the great changes it will make.

You can read more here - Yahoo Japan is buying 40% Stake in Cryptocurrency Exchange

Be sure to follow me @clshipp91 for more blockchain news and info!
