Lets CoExist Blog #6

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

 Hello and thank you for checking out Lets CoExist blog entry #5. Lets Coexist blog is a weekly entry on steemit reporting on CoExistCoin news, fintech news, charitble news and other interesting things that has happen over the past week 11/21/16 - 11/27/16

    In Bitcoin News  The American Internal Revenue Service has filed a petition in court to access customer data that traded Bitcoin using coinbase exchange between the years 2013 - 2015. Coinbase has not set a date as to when they will fight the petition stating

  "Our customers’ privacy rights are important to us and our legal team is in the process of examining the government's petition. In its current form, we will oppose the government’s petition in court. We will continue to keep our customers informed on developments in this matter.”

Court filings indicate that no major steps forward will happen until possibly late February. The IRS petition sets a presidence from the agency looking to collect taxes from an active exchange. Bitcoin is steadily valued above $700 USD at time of this posting

   In world news Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90 on Nevember 25'th in Cuba. Castro, a fought to over throw then Cuba leader Fulgencio Batista in 1959 to become the countries 17'th president. Adopting a Marxist-Leninist ideology, Castro converted Cuba into a pro Soviet, one party, socialist state under Communist Party rule. It marked the first and only communist rule in the western hemisphere.

The United States opposed Fidel Castro's government and unsuccesfully tried to remove him from power by assanition, economic blockade and counter revolutions. The most known was the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 and the Cuban Missle crisis in 1962. Castro was a controversial and divisive world figure. He is decorated with various international awards, and his supporters laud him as a champion of socialism and anti-imperialism whose revolutionary regime secured Cubas's independence from American imperialism. Conversely critics view him as a dictator whose administration oversaw human rights abuses and responsible for the exodus of a large number of Cubans who risked their lives to try and make it to the United States seeking asylum. 

Over the last ten years Fidel Castro suffered from health issues. In 2006 he delegated his presidential duties to his brother Raul Castro after undergoing surgery for intestinal bleeding. In 2008 The National Assembly of People's Power unanimously voted Raul as president after describing Fidel as "not substitutable" to serve. Raul proposed that his brother Fidel continue to be a consultant on matters of great importance. The motion was approved unanimously by the 597 National Assembly members. In 2014 America restored its diplomatic relations with Cuba. The United States severed its relations with Cuba in 1961 during the cold war with the Soviet Union. 

    In Cryptocurrency news heres an example of yet another scam in the crypto world. It just seems there are many Bitcoin and alt coin investment scams being birthed daily. As reported in the merkle by JP Buntix  http://themerkle.com/cryptocurrency-scam-site-warning-ether-miners/ 

In the cryptocurrency world, it is not overly difficult to spot scam sites. The vast majority of fake projects revolve around cloud mining and do so by targeting communities of popular cryptocurrencies. Ether Miners, an “innovation cryptoplatform,” offers Ethereum cloud mining with substantial returns. Guaranteed returns are completely out of the question in the cryptocurrency world, and this site is nothing more than a scam.


It is always rather worrisome to see an Ethereum cloud mining platforms display a huge Bitcoin logo. This goes to go show the “company” did not spend a lot of time on designing their website, and just used some stock images. While this may still lure in some unsuspecting investors, it is also a dead giveaway for this platform’s intentions.

What Ether Miners does, is offer an investment opportunity to Ethereum fans. The platform has been in operation for a whopping five days, and claims over US$61900 has been invested so far. Those numbers are utterly fake, of course, and go to show there is nothing legitimate about this company. Moreover, they also claim to have paid out over US$10,500 to their users, which is virtually impossible in such a short amount of time.

As one would come to expect from Ponzi schemes in the cryptocurrency world, users can pick from different investment opportunities. One is conveniently called EtherClassic, although it has nothing to do with Ethereum Classic. Instead, this a program that returns 2% of the investment every single day, without users having to do anything in return. The day such schemes legitimately work forever will be the day we can all retire. But Ether Miners will not grant anyone retirement, except for the site owners as they steal funds.

Another thing we start to see more and more among Ponzi schemes in the cryptocurrency world is how all of these “companies” are seemingly registered in the United Kingdom. Obtaining the necessary documentation requires either excellent Photoshop skills or a few quid to get a certificate. Additionally, the address mentioned on the website is not the company address by any means, but no one expected anything different.

To top it all off, the Ether Miners website is clearly designed by Eastern Europeans with sloppy English skills. The names at the top of the page are all Eastern European-sounding, whereas the English text on the template pages indicates a lack of written English skills. In saying so, we do not want to discriminate against cryptocurrency enthusiasts in that region, but merely point out a recurring theme among cryptocurrency investment scams.

One final thing that puts off anyone with a clue is how the company claims to have generated income over the past 12 months. Rather strange, as their incorporation documentation dates back to October 18, 2016. Unless they have invented time travel somehow, nothing is adding up for Ether Miners. Avoid it all costs, and don’t waste your money.

    In charity news seven charities breached fundraising code when working with defunct agency, regulator finds. The 7 charities that breached the Code of Fundraising Practice names are Save the Children, Unicef, RNIB, Action for Children, the disability charity Hft, Smile Train and World Animal Protection. They are accused of breaching the Code of Fundraising Practice when working with the defunct fundraising agency Neet Feet, the Fundraising Regulator has concluded. The regulator’s first since it was launched in July, found that the charities breached the code by not employing all reasonable efforts to ensure that Neet Feet fundraised for them in compliance with the code. In a 29-page report on the decision, the regulator says that Neet Feet, which went into voluntary liquidation in August, itself breached the six sections of the code by being derogatory to the public, accepting donations from vulnerable people, being unreasonably persistent and misleading in pressuring donors, fundraising under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and not employing best efforts to ensure donors were over the age of 18.

Each of the charities’ chief executives has been asked to confirm to the regulator within three months. 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please share and up vote if you like my weekly blog. For more info on CoExistCoin visit and donate at CoExistCoin.com 

Have the best week ever and see you next week,

Phil Lima



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