🔥Mega Bitcoin Update: The war has just begun - Epic battle on the charts!🔥

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The battle between Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash is likely just getting started. Roger and team are taking position to deal another blow - possibly eyeing the next difficulty adjustment on bitcoin on December 1st (ish).

You can see the battle playing out on the charts. Look at the first figure - a solid double top pattern marks the line in the ground for team one. The solid double bottom marks the line for team 2. In between is the battleground. Dramatic, I know.

What usually happens in this case is that trading will oscillate between ranges, slowly constricting into a narrower and narrower range before making a decision.

You can see this exact pattern on ETH on the 2nd image below. See how the double top and bottom were formed, then a wedge shape evolved over the course 2 weeks?

What you should be watching is the evolution of highs and lows.

-An uptrend is defined by higher highs and higher lows.
-A downtrend is defined by lower lows and lower highs.
-But when you get higher lows, AND lower highs, you form a wedge shape (because Math).
IF we form a high today or tomorrow that is below the all time high (which is likely), that will establish the first lower high, and define upper line of the wedge.

IF we establish a higher high (less likely but hey, it's bitcoin anything is possible), this will be a bullish sign for the continuation of the bitcoin bull run.

How to trade this:

If you are a day or swing trader, you could profit from these swings - get in near resistance and set stops. I know there are some of you guys in the group.

If you are a trend trader like me- I consider the break of the uptrend line this weekend to be my exit cue, so I'm out as I'd rather catch a trade closer to the beginning of a trend than something as extended as Bitcoin is now. It's all in the risk/reward.

If I hadn't already sold, I'd be setting a trailing stop now.

-Good luck.
