Hindsight ! oh the dumb mistakes over the years ! I have made plenty

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)


If you been into crypto you most likely made a few of these mistakes
the ones that you just shake your head and move on learn from them heres a great list to avoid !

  1. Sending crypto to wrong address or making a mistake in the address
    well i am guilty of this one once ! and this one hurts always double check everything three times !
    as we all know too well your not getting that crypto back its gone forever ! bye
  2. Premature Selling being in the place with the right crypto and blowing it by selling to early
    Oh this one you just want boot yourself in you now where lol you held it forever sold it and it rockets to the moon
  3. Mining with a credit card on eobot trapped ! oh ya just lost like 500 dollars in the last crash ! had a wonderfull set up
    but using a credit card you cant withdraw for months so while the account soared i could not cash out and of course we know
    what happened last two months
  4. Not taking money off the table when profits are there staying too long when crypto moves too much in
    a short time taking some off the table and buying gold or silver bullion or back to fiat just in case theres a big drop
    you managed to score on some profits
    5 Invest only what you can afford to loose always good advice ! Never forget this one
    6 Keep smiling no matter what happens you tried buy more ! lol consider your self a pioneer

Another big no-no mistake we all make, is getting sucked into Hype-Trains.

Youtubers will tell you to Buy Crypto X now, now, now and you'll have your doubts, but then as the price does indeed rise you decide to get onboard. It rises more, and you rejoice, open a bottle of champagne to celebrate: You made it!

But then, the dumps start. You panic. Try to get out, sell your hype-coins. Alas, you made a 10-20% loss. Good thing you got out before it got any worse..

...Next time, you stay away from hype coins and stick to solid projects with good fundamentals and long-term future.

I am sure most of us have had experiences like this in the beginning.

P.S. I see you're new, feel free to follow me, I'll follow you in return to help you out!

Oh ya been there too LOL