Cryptocurrency Proposal for a Global Charitable Distribution Blockchain

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Since the creation of the Bitcoin Blockchain there have been countless comments on countless forms of media how this new paradigm will/can/may change the world, for better or worse. I couldn't possibly share all of the ideas I've read that I thought were good and well thought out. I do know that an idea in and of itself is just that, an idea. Unless it is worthy in the minds of those who can and do work together, in whatever capacity they can, to further such ideas toward reality.

image source PIRO4D

All things begin with but a single thought. It's the follow through from that first thought and the continuous thinking and tinkering, along with trial and error, that furthers that one idea into reality. Admittedly many good ideas that become real things and actions have unintended consequences.

This is an exercise in what if. The starting point of almost all human accomplishments throughout history. Below I ask some what if questions of my own in the hopes of sharing this idea with fellow Steemians and creating a base of discussion (pro and con) as to how to go about accomplishing the goal mentioned in the title of this post.

These are 10 what if questions. I encourage you to read and share your thoughts on any question(s) you find interesting or might have some expertise in. I have no expertise in how to go ahead and make such a proposal reality. If I did I would already be working on it. However I do have a strong belief that there are many here at Steemit who also believe in the power of the blockchain and would like to see something similar become a reality.

1. What if all cryptocurrencies/blockchains created a command in their programming that took a percentage of all transactions with the purpose of forwarding to a single blockchain with the further purpose of creating a GCD (global charitable distribution)blockchain?

2. What if there was a choice, (or no choice) when paying a transfer fee, to automatically allocate a percentage of that transfer fee to the proposed GCD Blockchain? (this would be additional to any existing transfer fees)

3. What if there was a "dust" collector for various currencies that forwarded the accumulated dust on a regular basis? (quarterly...annually)

4. What if all currencies that use a "burn"or "null" mechanism for lowering the amount of "available coins on the market" (inflation) to forward a percentage (or all) to the proposed GCD Blockchain? (think of switching from inflation to goodwill and saturation of utility)

5. What if all cryptocurrency trading markets added a small percentage of their fees for active trading and automatically allocated the sum to the proposed GCD Blockchain? (my thinking here is full adoption is smaller percentage)

6. What if it was the norm for those most benefiting from the cryptosphere to contract a portion of all their profitable trades (in real time) to be forwarded to said charitable fund?

7. What if there was a crytpcurrency trading exchange platform that was to give profits above costs to the proposed GCD Blockchain?

8. What if all of these things became an automatic function of all trading exchanges, blockchains and all cryptocurrencies present and future?

9.What if dormant wallets of cryptocurrencies, after a predetermined amount of time (a decade or two), were forwarded to the GCD Blockchain? (pretty sure this one is a non starter but I'll leave it in for argument's sake)

10. What if some/all/other such proposals became reality? Would you be for or against them? Would you prefer it was automatically implemented or would you want to be able to control when to allow a small portion of your transaction to be forwarded to this proposed Global Charitable Distribution blockchain? What if you were not given a choice? (by that I mean it might be easier to insert a single directive to an existing algo and consensus decides for you...would you walk away from the cryptosphere over it?)

How hard would it be to create a blockchain with the sole purpose of in-taking various cryptocurrencies then converting said currencies into a few selected currencies for redistribution toward charitable actions? I don't know the technical difficulties involved. That's why I ask.

image source PIRO4D

As to managing such a charity centrist blockchain, and all that this would entail, it would need to be a
collaboration of experienced individuals worldwide. Feet on the ground to ensure the funds are used for what they are meant to. Abusers would be blacklisted. But that's not what this post is about. This post is about ascertaining if some, or all, of these what ifs are actually doable.

While I have your attention let me say a little about my intent with this by asking a Why not question.

Charities have taken a lot of direct hits over the decades and have been looked at with ever growing suspicion. Arguably for good reasons. The cryptosphere is a unique opportunity to integrate altruism in a way that carries full and immutable transparency from following the money and the people handling it to recipients of funds, and the suppliers who accept a given cryptocurrency as payment in full with documents and contracts on the blockchain. No anonymous entities, and only fully vetted individuals involved in operating the various directives of a single, legal and tax free charitable foundation. (think the oh the horror World Bank) Why not? I only put this why not into this post to show how big this ideal is...or might become.

Thanks for taking the time to entertain these thoughts. I look forward to discussing these possibilities with the Steemit community.

If you feel this is something some of your own followers would be interested in I would appreciate your resteeming it.

Keep on Steem'n on!

gif source @discordiant if you're a minnow...become a PAL

"How can I go forward...
when I don't know which way I'm facing?"
~ John Lennon~


Great concept..could be useful to go towards a universal basic income fund or something that gets distributed equally to those in need..would be quite the exercise to put together thats for sure

You beat me to this comment, @necrophagist. All the while reading this I thinking of maybe we getting the chance to implement a functional universal basic income in an effort to fight world poverty by redistributing wealth. Great positing, Crypto. I'll keep tabs with the debate as people who qualify to even think of this in technical terms weigh in. Resteemed.

Hey there new/old friend. Just wanted to pick your brain as to this universal income idea. I am familiar with it and I think many governments around are at least looking at various proposals. I know there's some test projects in certain specific regions in my country.

What I want to ask you is your opinion on what issue is most pressing that you think could be solved with real money and real direction in your part of the world. Whether that be medical, housing, food, clean water, education or something else most of us haven't thought of.

Do you feel that corruption has gone so far as to reach even the volunteers that help make the actual getting things done with the existing money that's being funneled from the givers through the takers and then on to the actual causes that people think they're giving of their money for. I've heard stories.

I think everybody would agree that the world should see to it that everyone has the right to the basics in life and that those rights are strictly protected. To me that would constitute a form of universal basic income.

Interested in hearing your thoughts @misterakpan.

That's an encouraging statement @necrophagist. I guess the first step is to get people reading and talking about it.

I can only hope you took a few seconds to resteem this. Unless that's not something you normally do.

Thank you for taking the time to read. ✌️

Threw you an upvote and resteem brother. Great post.

I definitely support your initiative - I know we talked about this extensively a while back, and I really hope that you can take this far, bro. If there's something I can do to help, feel free to reach out and ask.

Also, you're always more than welcome to join us in the Unmentionables, if you ever choose to return. :)

Best wishes, amigo.

Hey man, thanks for the resteem! I'm keeping my eyes on the views today and going to go about doing some gorilla marketing and dropping the link here and there to get more exposure.

If you think there's any "Unmentionables" who would be able to give some insight into the current feasibility of implementing some of these technical issues involved in something like this I'd be eternally grateful to you.

And sure, I'll join the ranks of the got room and time for something this big in there? did offer to here I am asking. };-)>

Sounds pretty interesting. When smart contracts and decentralized exchanges, crosschains txs and so on become a thing, (A real thing that actually work flawlessly) I'm sure we could easily 'sign' a contract do to some of the things you outlined.

Thanks for sharing!

"A real thing that actually work flawlessly" excellent point @sammosk. This has got to be a no excuses endeavor to be able to scale enough to make a lasting difference in people's lives.

Thanks for the input!

hear, hear!

I think a global charitable distribution blockchain would be wonderful and you have some great ideas here!

Thank you @isaria. This isn't my first kick at this can but it is the first time I've seen how the blockchain could streamline a massive goal like this. Of course it's all up to those who can make it go...all I can do is keep pushing on the start button.

Thanks for your support. <3

Yep, keep pushing!
It really is a great idea!

The world we live I would love to think that most people in the crypto space see the possibilities to change the world presented to them via the various blockchains. This would be a wonderfull way to make such a dream a reality whereas the real world we live in i see most of these currencies all really focussed on their own profit and longevity. getting to a point where these diff companies will all work together to the betterment of the world and lending a helping hand will most probably only be concidered by a very few. The truth is that some people have it cut in their DNA to help and others want and take. I hope in years to come that something like this could come to life and make some real life changing things happen for some people in this ever shrinking world of ours.

I think you bring up a good argument as to why there would be resistance to such an idea from those who think that they should have every single dime they think they have coming to them. After all they schemed and worked very hard to get what they got.

I also think there are ways to create incentives that are attractive to these people. I mean may already give huge amounts to charitable organizations for tax breaks so it's only a matter of creating a more efficient entity where they can see the results of where that money is doing the most good.

I honestly think we all pretty much have the same DNA and the inherent willingness to do good. This sort of thing can only reach it's goal by actually moving toward it. Of course the first move would have to be discussing the pros and cons and drawing a map to help direct any momentum.

Thanks for having a look at this and sharing your thoughts Free...much appreciated!

Good food for thought!! I suppose I'd want to know the grand scheme of things...but I like that you asked the questions

I like that you asked the questions too @travelnurse. In the grand scheme of things (imo) too much is going to too little. One less CEO in some of these organizations would negate the continued call for mosquito nets. One problem solved and on to the next CEO...err I mean problem.

I think it's a matter of accountability. The term open ledger has always had a nice ring to it.

Thanks for having a look and commenting. :-)

Cracking post and a great idea.

Thanks Percy, much appreciated. ✌️

Hey there, I love this post. I love the questions and the spirit behind them. As for logistics or feasibility, I'm definitely not your gal. I do think that there is potential w/decentralization and computer automation that it can be done fairly and efficiently, but gosh us humans need to get a lot of our sh** together, it seems, before we can do something this big. Maybe I'm just being a little jaded at the moment. :)

I can't say whether you're jaded or just being pragmatic @uniwhisp but I do think us humans have a way of getting in each others way or these problems already would have been solved generations ago.

Thanks for taking a look and sharing your thoughts.

well, I don't know the technicalities... but it's an interesting proposition.

maybe you could raise some startup $$ with a post like this. With enough attention, and hopefully some helpful viewers will come in with the technical side of things

Thanks for your thoughts @inquiringtimes, personally I'm not looking for start up funds. I am hoping some people who have the magic might take something similar up as a project worth perusing. With or without my help.

It's a lot to chew through. One byte at a time.