More on $BTX Bitcore potential.

In a previous article I wrote about the potential for Bitcore's growth based on compound interest. I will assume that you already know the benefits of compound interest, if you don't, I suggest reading up on it after reading this article, and then re-read it.

Other than the occasional comment or reply on Twitter, I have had no direct contact with the creators of Bitcore, so this is just based on my observations. If I get anything wrong I welcome comments and discussion. We are all learning in the Cryptoverse.

Out of all the coins on the market BTX is poised to become something massive. Their airdrop system guarantees that more and more people will be looking at this coin as a potential investment vehicle. Compound interest comes in to play here because each week there is an airdrop. As of this article, BTX holders get a 3% airdrop (based on wallet balance) every Monday. In December, this weekly airdrop goes up to 4%. In January 5% and so on until the coins are all gone. My math estimates that the airdrops will end around June-July of 2018. This is a big window, and I know my math is right, however I am a bit unsure of the total amount of outstanding coins which is why that window is so big. That is a big variable.

As the interest rate increases, holders will get more coins. This will prevent people from cashing out while the airdrop progresses. Once it ends I expect there to be a sell-off, unless there is some other compelling feature that has yet to be implemented.

Until that time I would expect the BTX price to keep steadily increasing based on the increasing interest rate. If there is a run on the price of bitcoin then there would be a sell-off as people jump on the bitcoin train.

As of this posting if you have 100 BTX when the airdrop hits you would get 3 BTX. Coinmarketcap values it at $39.33/0.0043btc. That's $117.99 or 0.0129 BTC.

This is not financial advice, this is just a prediction I am making based on observation. I hope I'm right.