94/100 coins on coinmarketcap in the red! - Great opportunity or Game Ending

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Looking on coinmarket cap right now isn't great for most coins, with 94 out of the top 100 in the red!!

As most of you will have noticed the past few months have seen a very bearish market for most of the Crypto projects. Portfolios are seeing massive declines and some investors have been hit very hard after investing during the great all time highs of December and January.

I have to admit though I'm not to worried! I honestly think that the trend will turn and we will see most coins recover. Crypto is still in it's earliest of stages and there has been a lot of scams and FUD regarding projects which the media have lapped up. Investors have cashed out at all time highs and others jumped ship after early losses which have all had a negative effect on the communities.

I would love to hear how other investors on steemit are getting on and their thoughts right now.

How hard has your portfolio been hit?

Mine isn't going to bad, not great but I find that my investments are propping each other up, a great plus from have a diversified portfolio. Overall I am still about 15% up on initial investments.

Are you seeing this as a buying opportunity or a get out of crypto now sign?

I honestly see this as a great buying opportunity but diligence must be done as I can see some coins being wiped out in this latest bear market and some will not recover. Choose your projects wisely

What's your biggest flop project so far?
Mine at the minute is Tron, stupidly I got caught up in the initial hype and invested at around 0.08 but I have faith that as a long term project it will survive.


Tron is to expensive now..it needs to fall 50% to be a good buy.

Hi @dan21050
Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.
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I'll check it out :)