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RE: JPMorgan Bitcoin Is Here To Stay 🔥 Markets Booming Again 😅⚡🎢 Jamie Dimon Says Sorry 😩

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Jamie Dimon is the biggest waste-of-oxygen fraudster on Wall St. Not only does he head up a criminal organization, but he is so ridiculously embedded with the political class as to be completely undifferentiated from them. His view of the world and the way in which operates in said world is one of the main drivers for the insane amount of inequality the vast majority suffer through day in and day out. His neocolonial worldview fractals its logic onto America where he views regular citizens and consumers as mere commodities in the game his is playing --->to suck the wealth and resources out of the absolute maximum number of people possible. His IS Matt Taibbi's giant vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.

Jamie Dimon doesn't give a flying fuck about bitcoin or the people who like bitcoin. He will drag it through the mud, sing its praises, invest in it, attempt to crash it, lobby for it, lobby against it, etc. Whichever one of the aforementioned activities he feels he'll make a buck off of (or gain an increment of power from) at any given time he will do. He will do this because he is in the privileged, elitist class huffing the rarefied air of society and he doesn't give two shits about anything beyond his own personal prospects for wealth and power. AND THIS IS WHY WE NEED BITCOIN. FUCK HIM, BUY BITCOIN.