
Stating such things is criminal.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - that is fine.

But anyone can see for themselves that we are simply homesteaders.

Continued harassment of my family online and in the real world is criminal.

Why did you cheat the upvote system by using multiple illegal accounts to upvote yourself?

Why do you abuse the system by teaming up against me and down voting everything I do?

Why do you continue to harass me and try to destroy our lives.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

All I see you do is lie, cheat and e-beg. Who is Techman2015?

@timcat100....have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .


were not abusing the system reid. were EXPOSING you for the liar and conman you really are.

We simply show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you dont like us that is fine.

If you dont believe us, that is fine too.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

You ARE NOT a homesteader...You live in an on grid hose in the suburbs of Lewiston, Mi...

Who is harassing you in"the real world"? Seek mental health help...

@danmcc.....have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .

Suburbs? LOL!!!!!

You have no idea. This is registered as LDL - low density residential - or COUNRTY

What part of residential don't you understand?
Residential = urban = city+suburbs...

To qualify for a homesteading tax credit you need to be zoned
Ag, as in agricultural...

You are NOT a homestead...

Oh, sorry Troy, just saw a greyed out comment and was going to repost it then noticed it was one of yours that you must have withdrawn on.
Its good to see you are deleting your own annoying replies and you are coming to your senses !

You are full of jokes today. Hahahahahahah, Troy doing an honest thing? Here on steemit? Or anywhere else- ever? I'm dying here. Hahahaahahh.

How are we abusing the system? We all have one vote we all have one account you have 4 accounts under one person! So who is abusing the system? Again you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face

@bigjeff.........have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .

Another troll whining and complaining while down voting literally everything I do.

I would think that 30 against one is not a fair battle.

Yet you whine when I have accounts to help stay out of being grayed out on my own blog.

Dick Head, Something you are not familiar with is majority rules. To use your numbers 30 against one is a majority. No matter what Mommy told you there is only one vote for little Dick Head.
Do you gather names from Cemeteries to vote in elections? Just further proof you are a slimy little prick.
I will attach your comment so you do not forget your own words....Again.

thediyworld (58) · 2 hours ago
Another troll whining and complaining while down voting literally everything I do.

I would think that 30 against one is not a fair battle.

Yet you whine when I have accounts to help stay out of being grayed out on my own blog.


we play by the rules and its a good rule to down vote crap on steemit. Good sites on here don't have your problem. Who is whining here trog- its you

Trog, you want to be careful the Steamcleaners dont get you, spamming with the same boring repetitive shite!
Go away, your not wanted here, go and find something else to do like scraping up some chicken shit or mopping up some cat piss in the trailer.

From the videos he shows the cat piss and chicken shit hides the smell of the mouse and rat shit everywhere. Bad eyesight on the ageing troy has him thinking coarse black pepper is covering everything in the trailer and the shack. Ming Cling is too busy raising the kid and overworked to give a shit anymore.

again with the daily crap. More lies. You need to leave me alone and stop commenting on my comments. I don't trust you since the plagiarizing incident and neither does anyone else. Glad you got scammed trying to sell crypto shit. Go away and stop harassing me and my family online and in the real world. What you are doing is criminal

saying that people are bothering you at your place of residence is another LIE!