Crypto News 01/05/18 India To Purchase OIL in PETRO!?!
📌News 01/05/18 1st Half.📌
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Argentina may be a leader in the Crypto ATM market. According to local media, the country may be ready to receive between 4,000 and 5,000 ATMs that will also include blockchain technology and support for virtual currencies. According to the CEO and founder of Odyssey Group, Sebastián Ponceliz, the ATMs will not only be used for people to extract cash but also for managing virtual currencies. Oddisey Group is one of the most important ATM providers in the United States, Mexico, Colombia and Spain. The ATMs that will be installed in the southern country will cost $10,000 each including VAT and installation services.
2️⃣."Crude"-India To Get 30% Discount On Venezuelan Crude Oil If Paid For In Petro, Says Local Source;
Venezuela will give India a 30 percent discount on crude oil, but only if India uses the state-issued Petro coin, according to an article published yesterday, April 29, from local Indian news outlet Business Standard. News about the discount comes from crypto exchange Coinsecure CEO Mohit Kalra, who told Business Standard that the offer had been put forward by a team from Venezuela’s blockchain department in India last month. Business Standard reports that Coinsecure will sell Petro in India after negotiations with the Venezuelan blockchain team. According to Kalra, Coinsecure will also supply white label exchange solutions for Venezuela, meaning that all crypto traders will need to trade on their exchange.
3️⃣."Regulation"-CFTC Chairman On Crypto Regulation: ‘I Don’t See It Being Resolved Anytime Soon’;
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman Chris Giancarlo said he doesn’t see comprehensive crypto legislation coming from the federal level in the near future, CNBC reports April 30. In an interview on Monday, Giancarlo pointed out that the statutes by which the CFTC is operating were written in 1935. He said that embracing a modern innovation like Bitcoin within terms invented decades ago will take time. He noted that two major US exchanges, CBOE and CME, are successfully operating Bitcoin futures contracts. Giancarlo said that the complicated nature of Bitcoin itself makes it difficult to regulate.
Nice write up! Thank you for sharing. Do you have any idea how is it possible to get your hands on that Petro coin?
The presale is available for venezuelan citizens for the moment only paíd in euros, dollars , btc and eth
Hmm okay, thanks!