best way earn long term passive income..100% real platform

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

20046824_263612330789703_861488293549133344_n.jpg Questions to Ask Before You Invest
🔥 Successful investors know that in order to make a good investment with their money they need to ask these questions:
💰 What’s my financial objective?
What do I plan to do with the money? When will I need it? The answers will start narrowing your options.
💡 What’s my risk tolerance?
How upset will I be when my investments hit a rough patch? Take the risk tolerance quiz and choose the right investments for you.
🌏 Am I ready to hold the investment for a while?
Investing is a long-term relationship. Successful investors stick with their choices for five, 10, 20 or more years. These buy-and-hold investors outperform short-term investors by a wide margin.
🔸 Do I understand what I’m buying?
If you don’t understand the company’s products or services and how it makes money, you're less likely to make a good investment.
🤔 What’s the outlook?
Are there trends that could boost or dampen demand for a company’s products and services over the next decade? Does the company itself have any issues that could affect future sales and profitability?
☝ Is this a good (or too good) price?
How does the current price compare with its past prices and with similar investments? If it seems like a bargain, why is it so low? Something that seems too good to be true probably is.
👜 What are the costs?
Check out fees, commissions, loads and expenses. The more costs you pay to acquire the asset, the less money you make. Everyone who sells investments gets paid somehow, usually in several different ways. Successful investors know what they are.
🤝 Why am I buying it?
If you can’t answer that question, you shouldn’t buy it.
🙌 Value your time - Join now..

