The top 10 things everyone in cryptocurrency needs to know
Today I've got a little refresher course geared a bit more towards crypto beginners. If you're a crypto expert, it still might be worth watching. Tried to pack a lot of jokes into this one.
Today I've got a little refresher course geared a bit more towards crypto beginners. If you're a crypto expert, it still might be worth watching. Tried to pack a lot of jokes into this one.
Doug, thx for being on steem. Lwt us know some time what you like about it and what you think its weaknesses are.
Also would love to know what would be needed for you to invest i to the ecosystem and buy steem and power it up.
Just a thought about the government doing 'irrational stuff'...
Banning online poker was perfectly rational for them (or at least it could have been.. if somebody lobbied them to do it, then there isn't much downside and they pocket the money).
I don't really see it as governments behave irrationally.. it's just that they don't act in your and my best interest. (They seem perfectly rational when we remember that they're acting in their own interests.)
And I don't think banning Bitcoin does much good for them.
For all we know government interests are already involved in mining and contributing to the weird issues there, or trying to manipulate it in some other way.
A hard nose "ban" can easily backfire and just draw attention to it, and/or weaken the perception of that government by its citizens, especially if cryptocurrency proves to be a benefit to all the other countries where it's legal.
In general I think they'll try to work with it to hang on to some pieces of control however they can rather than put their energy into stopping it.
Or Cliffs: I don't think it's some kind of random thing where MAYBE they'll just do X.. generally they'll do whatever is rationally correct for them
Fuck Craig Grant
Fuck Crypto Nick
Fuck Trevon James
Fuck Bitconnect
Shout out to Satoshi
Definitely entertaining.
HAHA... Doug, you somehow can make a video about crypto funnier then most comedians best material. Keep up the good work!
PS, do a crypto happy hour with @cryptobobby damnit...

looks like Connor McGregor without beard.
Please Doug, explain what the hell this"public key" really represents in the real life everyday world!
You should protect your public key and tell everyone your private key, isn't it obvious? ;)
I finally got it. Thankyou! ;)
Great post man! really helpful for the newbies! Keep up the amazing work!
With love from India <3
Funny crypto.
and Stupid people reprsenting the crypto comunity.
Love these videos. So funny yet informative. Love the humor!