Nimses. New or just rough copy?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Ukrainian start-up created new app for "converting your time to value". Under that pretty word hiding very simple mechanism - every minute you will recieve one "nim" (probably anagramma for min) and after that you can spend it for rewarding authors (more like crypto-instagramers as there is no text posts), posting your photos (100 nims per post) or buying items in stores which supports such exchange.

After first glance my first thought was "Hey, is that more hipster-like version of SteepShot?" and basically I was right. Developers of Nimses says that nims are more useful than bitcoin or dollars as they will forever have constant value. I can't agree with that, because there is still no exchanges or converters from new (crypto?) currency. Basically we know nothing about this new cryptocurrency, no anounces, no blockchain explorers, absolutely nothing!

But still, there are many users (549 in 2 km radius), and idea of stores accepting local cryptocurrency seems very interesting (steem would be nice with it), but all other are just thoughtless copying without notification of users about nature of that up. That's just doesn't seems right...

If you want to check this out by yourself, here you go: