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RE: Digital Con of the Century: The DCG Group – How we are being sucked into a digital slave matrix (Part 2)

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago

What becomes clear after reading through this is that the mainstream (status quo, banksters, etc) are building up their own economy in the digital realm, using large chunks of the "decentralized" crypto world to do so. At some point there's going to be a divide between the two, and what side you're on will have to be chosen. Until then, they seem content to build power (and collect data).
I think it's important to spread awareness of this. Thank you.
I think people should look more into the truly private cryptos, and into getting right off the mainstream big tech sites. Don't even humor FB or Goog anymore.
I will continue soon with part 3. Thank you!


Much agreed. And private cryptos will be key! For the moment, I like Monero and Dash with the latter showing their efficacy in South American countries where debt monetization and hyperinflation are destroying local fiat. Coming to a theater near you!