Was Bitcoin dethroned in the last 24 hours by Ethereum?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I am not married to any one coin however time will tell but there may have been a major sentiment shift in my opinion in the last 24 hours concerning Bitcoin. Bitcoin is only a digital currency and a poor one at that compared to new coins and has not scaled and missed a huge opportunity to capitalize on it's innovation. Will BTC continue to reign? I'm not so confident. A coin like ETH has so much industry backing it. That said, there is so much new technology and better coins overall in the years ahead that it's hard to tell where this will all end up. This is history unfolding before our eyes.

My only long term macro concern is with so much competition it will be hard to find a store of value in any one super long term. If you are not active and stay too long in any one you may lose in the end as the market flows and evolves.

Another fear from a fundamental view is when governments crack down or even whisper as such will shake out the market in a moments notice as digital FIAT is only a confidence currency. Yes it is decentralized to an extent (some coins are centralized) but still all programmed by people. I do keep hard assets (metals) as a back drop to wherever this goes. as the ultimate safe haven however, digital currency is here to stay.

When the big reset happens (all FIAT debt bomb goes off) I personally prefer to be in something hard but there is no telling how far these cryptos will go. They are the future from smart contracts to voting for politicians on blockchain, fintech etc. This is the future... but will state government and central banks allow their control to be ripped from them? The currency war in the FIAT paper markets will get worse and on the digital side as well.

If governments try to criminalize private digital currency, I wonder how law abiding citizens would react? Will they go into IMF Coin, FEDcoin etc? The petro dollar is beginning to be dethroned. I expect more wars and rumors of wars. Sorry, I am off on a fundamental perspective but the truth is we are living in exciting and scary times. Keep pressing on :)

getting windy so I will stop :)
