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RE: We love Cryptocurrency. THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE YOU ARE A“..MURDERER OR A DRUG DEALERS” according to Jamie Dimon.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

"You can’t have a business where people can invent a currency out of thin air and think that people who are buying it are really smart." 😂 the irony... the central bank debts its money into existence out of thin air all the time (and the central bank in the US is likely at least partly owned by the big 3 JP Morgan Chase, Citi group and BOA)
He either doesn't understand the technology and its potential or more likely, I think he's scared to wake up one day and see the all mighty empire he is part of disappear - replaced by code running on millions of computers and smart devices worldwide.


Thats an every day scenario. The difference is that he can't twist some government's arm into doing what he wants when it comes o cryptocurrency and thats what pisses him off.