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RE: If you don't own the private keys, you don't own the tokens - How OpenLedger HODLs

Glad its not just me than, i already lost 19 sbd, after many rude tickets with false promises i give up.

Still love bitshares, luckily we will have more and more gateways, forcing them to be competative and give better service.


The most convenient way to store - cold storage! We use Nano Ledger S...

.. but there are other options as well ;-)

My husband @phillip20 used Nano Ledger. Awesome to store some cryptos.

Yeah i have a ledger, at some point you need to sell tho, and what happend is that i sent my steem dollars to openledger-dex on bitshares and just never received them..

this was just before sbd went over 1$ value.

starting to think its very very odd that allot of people lost them around that time to openledger....

they said a couple times they would fix it, and closed the ticket everytime... as solved.

eventualy they said they where too busy and it was stuck on the old gateway.

Couple months later and i still dont have it.
Beware people...