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RE: 1 Month Market Cap Analysis

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that $600 billion is a bit vetoing bullish, but there is no really way of telling. I am more concerned about how the crypto market will be effected in light of another global recession as in 2008. I believe that in the long run crypto would succeed, but in the short term of a recession, we may see a large decline in the overall market, as big money who are the big moves will seek to hold their value in the safest assets. However, many average will look to other ways to earn income, such as Steemit, thus increasing the price of Steem.


So what are the safest assets?

Historically, bonds, gold, silver.

gold, silver, and bonds are conventionally safe, but the concern is that the next crash which will be much more global than all prior could break conventions (old safe havens may not be in play)

Gold and Silver will always keep their Purchasing power longterm. The prices are controlled by the paper markets. I strongly believe that gold and silver must rise sooner than later.
In a Crisis people want to sell paper assets to some tangible assets. Gold and Silver are highly liquid, accepted worldwide and scarce.
Bonds in my opinion are in a bubble. The next crisis will be much worse than Lehman. The central banks will not too much fire power left.

I agree. I am completely fearful of our economic situation right now in the US and the world. The market will react to nothing, just keeps chugging along in an uptrend no matter what bad news is thrown at it. It can't be real!

These are also my concerns. The market cap may rise, yes, as the dollar dwindles in value and people escape into the cryptos.