New to Cryptocurrency Investing

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Today is the day I entered the world of Cryptocurrency. I had heard of Bitcoin a few times in the last couple years. Heard folks ask about it and, usually, dismiss it just as quickly. Every so often, the topic of crypto-currency (or is it cryptocurrency?) would enter a discussion, most likely when the financial crash of 2008 was discussed. The latter piqued my interest a little so one day last year when I was perusing potential Ted Talks, I stumbled upon a talk by Don Tapscott entitled "How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business". I watched it and was convinced this was the way of the future. The next bank crash wasn't going to affect me. That's for sure. I was hooked. So I thought. I downloaded a wallet and...nothing. I was still interested but my career, kids (they are both adults, out of the house, and on the other side of the country, but I still like to blame them when I get the opportunity) and other life adventures took priority. My wife became interested a few months ago when a neighbor mention...

The rest of this article was cut off after it was published. Not sure how or why. I read it through after it was published so I know it was there at one point. Next time I will make sure to keep a copy of my writing in another location in case this happens again. Sorry about that, but know that the rest of the story of my first day investing was brilliant.