*** Electroneum (ETN) Mobile Miner Update, Payouts are being Dispersed ***

Hey Steemians,

As some of you may know, ETN token otherwise known as Electroneum is a Mobile Cryptocurrency that has a relatively easy mobile mining app that simulates mining and gives ETN has had some issues with payouts. There was alot of FUD going on after the early April 2018 update that saw thousands of mobile miners become upset because they were not getting their ETN in their wallet after accumulating 10 ETN.

Well good news Folks, they are indeed being paid out! ETN provided updates to us throughout the course of the last 30 days promising is they will continue to accumulate ETN and it will indeed be paid and they lived up to it.

As you can see, you will receive a notification saying it is in queue on the blockchain in the app.

Once you refresh it you will see it in your wallet. ( I mine on 2 Devices )

Now the question is, is this a monthly payout now? or back to getting paid out when reaching 10 ETN?

I wont know until tomorrow but either way, I am one happy camper right now and I highly suggest all of you Steemians to download the app and start mining FREE tokens. As the FUD clears on this, I can see a surge coming soon for ETN.

Helpful Resources
Download Mobile App in Playstore as 'Electroneum'

Use my referral code E24AD9

And remember, you can hodl the tokens or send them to your exchange, I use Kucoin.


My referral code is 585AEB