Is BTC Dead?? | ETC Airdrop CLO coin | More Countries want Crypto

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It’s been a couple weeks since Bitcoin and many other alt coins experienced price corrections. So while we wait patiently for the kind of upwards movement we all know and love, here is some evidence that Bitcoin is still very much alive and making improvements.

Also for those of you who are holding Ethereum Classic, keep watching to learn how to participate in the Callisto airdrop coming up in March.
Lastly, let’s see which other countries are following in Venezuela’s footsteps and planning cryptocurrencies of their own.

Lightning Network is now launched on Bitcoin’s testnet.

The launch of Lightning Network on the testnet is a big step towards it being launched on the mainnet. If you want to learn more about Lightning Network consider checking out this link in the corner.

Take a look at Bitmain’s profits.

Another thing to consider for the proof of Bitcoin’s continued existence is the success of the company Bitmain. Bitmain is responsible for manufacturing the hardware needed to mine Bitcoin, and they managed a profit of about 4 billion last year. Now compare Bitmain to another computer chip manufacturer like Nvidia who makes hardware for high end computer games. Both of these companies made similar profits except Nvidia accomplished this after 24 years of business and Bitmain, only after four years.

If that isn’t enough,

Coinbase now officially supports Segwit

This means fees are finally dropping, which could help to encourage others to use Bitcoin on a more regular basis.

Callisto Airdrop for Ethereum Classic holders

Now for all you Ethereum Classic holders who have been enjoying it’s recent alt time highs, it could very well be explained by the anticipation of the fast approaching Callisto Airdrop set to happen in March. If you want to be sure to get the new Callisto coins, your wallet options include:

  • ClassicEtherWallet,
  • ClassicMask
  • MyEtherWallet
    If for whatever the devs of MyEtherWallet decide not to support Callisto, you can always import your MEW wallet into ClassicEtherWallet and get them that way.

Russia, Iran and Turkey, Israel to adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech

Venezuela made waves when they announced the sale of their Petro coin. It probably won’t be long until countries like Russia, Iran and Israel follow suit. However these governments decide on the details of their cryptocurrencies, it’s safe to say they will be centralized and controlled. I’m curious, will you consider these to be true cryptocurrencies?

Additional Reading/Sources:

Lightning Network on TestNet
Bitmain's success
Coinbase adds Segwit
Callisto AirDrop for ETC holders
Iran and Turkey


What? Dead? Again? Anyone here keeps track on the counting number?

Bitcoin is far from dead and in my opinion just really getting started! Gonna be an interesting next few years, even if prices fall dramatically for the rest of this year. I would like to see prices drop hard for the next 6-12 months so I can aggressively allocate in. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2011 from Max Keiser. I unfortunately only invested at the end of last year for the first time. I’ve got some more dry powder and want to get in before prices really do their thing!! Lol Thanks for the post!!

The question of Bitcoin being dead or not is hilarious and is a great indicator of how fast blockchain technology is moving. The majority of the world doesn't even know about, understand or trust Bitcoin.

We advanced blockchain users know that Bitcoin is the worst coin from a technical standpoint. Basically all blockchains took Bitcoin and upgraded it. If you ask one of us we'll say that Bitcoin is dead. However, Bitcoin is still the face of cryptocurrency to the general public. It's main value is creating a gateway from fiat currency to crypto. In essence, Bitcoin's greatest value is simply brand identification. We see this and say, "Bitcoin is dead."

However, brand identification is insanely important at a time like this where cryptocurrency is on the fringe and not mainstream. Bitcoin won't die until blockchain technology permeates society.

Yeah! It’s easy for us to know that Bitcoin is ancient in terms of blockchain, but the fact that it was the first and like you said the most recognizable from a branding standpoint means that it no where near dead! We’ve got a ways to go for sure!!

I personally hope that btc continues to go down and ALL other Cryptos continue to go up. You might say, "Cryptos aren't going up right now, look at their drops!" OK, I will give you this short term thought. However, I was in this game when btc owned 95% of it and now it is going to drop below 30% of the Crypto action. And rightfully so, they went away from what bitcoin stood for at the beginning and that was FAST, FREE (yes I was in this game when bitcoins were FREE when sending it), and Anonymous Transactions ANYWHERE in the World. Drop btc! Drop! ALL other Cryptos UNITE!

No one should take people seriously who are riding the blockchain's up and down swings like an emotional roller coaster. Take a step back from the day to day and look at it from a Quarterly or Yearly basis.

Next you need to give a webbot rundown.

Highly doubt that Callisto will be worth a lot but we will see.

Thanks for the information of course.

Centralized controlled blockchains will still count as cryptocurrencies. In fact, it will make current blockchains way more legitimate if countries are backing their own. People will be more likely to trust coins if the establishment embraces them.

I think this may have been part of the plan all along, let the public carry the cost of developing a lot of the core technology, then swoop in at the last minute and copy-paste all of the best features of every public coin when you're rolling out your own private network coins. At least the governments of the world are trying to save some money for a change, lol.

I do not envy being in the situations that a lot of people who live in countries where the government fears capital flight via crypto will have to deal with.

I think a small minority of users really care about decentralization or security, most will just use whatever is convenient or profitable.

Hopefully Ripple fully entrenches in the world banking system before this happens. I'm not looking forward to all those centralized blockchains. Ripple is plenty for me.

I really don't see why any country's banking system would use ripple. Countries like to control their own banks and how they operate.

Do they? I won't claim to know a lot about Ripple but I thought most banks were private institutions. Considering how government works with lobbyists and everything I'd assume that banks control the government, not the other way around. Even our "Federal Reserve" isn't controlled by the federal government.

Yes, they kind of control each other and cooperate with each other, but govs can def. crush any bank that steps out of line, and they play softball with them when it comes to legal matters because they do so much of the dirty work. Mutually beneficial relationship as I see it, they help run the empire and get a lot of perks in return.

This will maybe make the technology more legitimate and the state backed blockchains for sure, but they will still try to demonize bitcoin and other open and decentralized cryptos.

Yeah but the hypocrisy of government will be much more obvious when that happens. It's easier to get people to distrust all crypto rather than all but one.

you did not answer I understand this because of the color of the skin. You did not even subscribe to me and not one of my posts did not support. I'm sure it's because of racism. Tell me, what races and peoples in your understanding are criminal, what nations and peoples must be killed for your happiness.

I am used to saying​: hope dies last... :D

Cryto-currency has come to stay the level of its acceptability is phenomenal.

BTC is not dead ... maybe BTC price will decrease but even if massively it will never been dead and when SUCKERS ( central bankers) come up with another QE ( printing money) Bitcoin rise up like PHOENIX !!so higher fee doesnt matter, it will be better !