Checking Your CryptoCurrency Prices at Night is Bad For Your Health. Here's Why...

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Stay with me for a second.

Other than the last 100 years or so, for millions of years on this planet has man or animal been able to flick a switch and instantly turn night into day?

No. No. No.

Not until Tesla and Westinghouse lit up the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 has a living thing (man) been able to alter his environment so drastically as he can today. Up until this time, the only light at night came from fires, moonlight and lightning.

The reason checking your cryptos at night is making you sick is because of the man-made light! The light from your iphones, computers, energy efficient LEDs and office lights does much different things to your health than the light from fires, moonlight and lightning. The light from these man-made devices and lights is made up of a particular wavelength of light that only comes out naturally in the morning and at noon when the sun is strongest. Its the blue light wavelength. Blue light is very stimulating and meant to signal your body to wake up, be alert and be able to run from a tiger chasing you.

Now think about that for a second. Do you think its healthy or good for you if you basically trick your eyes, skin and brain into sensing its day time when its really night time? Do be alert and awake at night time?


Light is a signal.

Your body is designed through millions of years of evolution to repair itself at night. The signal to start this repair cycle is darkness! If you give your eyes, body and brain a morning or noon light signal at night when they should be getting the dark signal, the repair process is postponed and ruined.

How is it ruined?

Well, light at night, especially the blue light wavelength, storp your body from secreting melatonin. Melatonin is a big time hormone and antioxidant that is anticancer and helps you sleep and repair yourself. This light from your devices is preventing "autophagy" as well. Autophagy is the repair process your cells use to clean out the bad and broken material and replace it with new material. The less autophagy you have, the faster your body breaks down and disease sets in.

If you want to check your cryptos at night and remain healthy, you have to filter out the bad light. I'll explain how this works in another post but for now just trust me. You can get a cheap but effective pair of blue light blocking glasses on Amazon here: