Weak Hands in Crypto. NSA Spying on Bitcoiners

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

After a selloff to the $275 Billion area for a second time, the cryptocurrency market rebounded and is now up to the 340s. If you had weak hands and got shaken out in the 200s, perhaps HODL a bit harder next time and don't give into the fear mongering.

The info that CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked publically, contained files and operations to spy on and steal information from bitcoin users specifically. The open market, free from centralization, is a grave concern for NSA mafiosos.


Happy Investing C# HODLCREW

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This is a classic shake down, they can't short sell Bitcoin like they can with the gold and silver markets, so they must deploy an endless stream of FUD every time Bitcoin is up against resistance. Bitcoin was over-bought and that's the main reason for the correct, now we look to have found a bottom that is well above where it started in Jan of '17. I have heard a number of times now that there are many big players wanting to get into the next bull run, Bitcoin has every investors attention now and as soon is it starts making higher lows they will pile in.

The next ATH Target of Bitcoin is going to be big, really big.

Surely they can short sell bitcoin, especially now with the latest financial instruments.

Yes they can of course, my comment was in relation to gold and silver. If you are unfamiliar the gold and silver markets they are short selling them to the tune of trillions, metals are an old market, crypto is an emerging asset class. Gold has been accumulated by powers throughout history and when a new power comes along they simply steal the lesser powers gold at the end of wars. To accumulate the Bitcoin needed to short sell on the scale that is seen in the metals markets would send Bitcoin through Jupiter on a galactic journey out of our solar system. So while yes they can and are shorting Bitcoin but not anywhere near the scale seen in the metals markets.

But crypto is a much smaller market with much lower liquidity. It is so much easier to manipulate.

Could not agree more.

A classic fib fall from the ath, with plenty of negative news to help along the way.

Next one will be wild!

My hands are kinda weak but I bought a tool to work with hand muscles so I will be able to hodl better next time.
Thanks for your concern Luke Steemwalker :D

Some state governments violated every human rights also now spying crypto market. That's bad attitude from them. I can't accept this. I HODL now and think future being best. Thanks for Dtube conversation @investing

Yes mate, a year or so ago I'd have panicked a bit but you get used to it, if your plan is to HODL you have no worries.
Not getting emotional is good advice with all investments my friend, there's no point it'll just eat away at ya.
Stack on, Steem on and HODL

Agreed. I would also argue against trying to time when you enter the market. As long as you're timing the market with respect to your exit timing, now is as good a time as ever to enter the market. Buy and hold has historically outperformed other investment strategies imho and will likely follow suit for cryptos.

After a selloff to the $275 Billion area for a second time


I guess these periods will really test now whether the "investors" are really investors. Some "slight corrections" have been -50% and lower. But as an investor, I really agree that the panic fever can be a great buy opportunity. I remember trying to trade cryptos earlier on when it was trending up well. I've traded in other markets, and it's been going well there. But with the volatility of cryptos, an investor's approach is much better here.

Am glad my hands were not that weak to shake off any of my holding when the wind blew.

Talking about government fear over cryptos taking away control from them, what do you think started the whole fud fight against cryptos? The government and the bankers.
For years this people benefitted and profited from having control over what we do financially but bitcoin came to take all that away. Tho war isn't over, we will expect more from the government agencies and bankers but in the end freedom always wins.

I had heard that about the NSA. I expect no less of them and I was not surprised to hear this. While I don't like it I realize it is hard to operate in this world without being spied on. Our government has always violated our rights Do you think this will an effect on Steem? I'm not involved in monero or verge. I'm all in on steem lol

Not a game for weak hands for sure.

Can be scary when you start out and get greeted by a dip but if you have done your homework you know you have invested into the future.

If not, do your research on your investments