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RE: Why Bitcoin is Different & Cartel Manipulation Discussion

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Yeah, video format is fine. As you say, is an easy way to give feedback on weekly events / stories and opinions being thrown around out there. As you say, there are a lot of people talking about BTC price suppression, but very few seeing that different people are always trying to manipulate BTC price / confidence in it in different directions (both UP and DOWN) and for different reasons.

Some quick detail on your investment / trading strategy would be nice (did you sell your $8k BTC at $12k or are you hodling - or are you a TRADER and not an INVESTOR as your YouTube name suggests?). Are you still bullish at all? If so, on what? ETH or any other Alt coin, or just BTC? Would be useful example for those of us with little investment / trading experience and those not doing well / making mistakes.

Also, would like to know if you are a BTC maximalist or not (I know that you kinda touched on this here). Personally I worry more and more that Alts really are pretty much an outright scam and that they are headed for next to zero :0/. Which means that a LOT of people in this space (like 95%) are either just wrong, deluded, or are actively scamming the public.
One reason that I worry about Alts as an investment is that they are not shares in a company (which return dividends etc.). A company like Ripple may do well or strike an important deal with a client, but that deal may not even involve the XRP token! Or BNB token from Binance - sure Binance is doing great - and so is their token - but will it have any value long term (again it is not a company share).

Finally, would be interesting to know are there any TA's etc. online that you follow? In my opinion Tone Vays seems pretty spot on with his BTC price analysis, any thoughts?

New to Steemit?