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RE: [dtube] Ethereum: What to Expect in 2018

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Biased or not (and I don't think for one moment that you are) I completely agree with your summation of the potential for Ethereum over the next year. I also think that the mere fact that Vitalik is making statements about progress is in of itself important, as I do not see him as someone who is a hype / marketing type of guy. I truly believe that he holds firmly to the tenets that brought him (and many others...myself included) into the space, namely the opportunity to create betterment for individuals over large corporations and the privileged few who have, up until now, exploited their controlling hands on society. The list of potential developments for this year is massive and personally I would not be too disappointed if they did not all come off, as I would rather that they made their appearance when those who know best (i.e. Vitalik and his team) feel that they are ready. I doubt very much if sharing will debut this year as I think that that is simple a bridge too far to hope for.....but you never know...only time will tell. With regards which coin / project / platform to look at for your next 2018 outlook may I suggest Neo (and possibly some of its affiliates), now seems to me like an excellent time to have a close look at this particular ecosystem as they are holding their Dev Con this week. Anyway as ever I simply want to thank you for your thoughts and insights not to mention all the work that must go into keeping a channel alive and us all informed. Cheers for now J