"There really is Zero large scale institutional money from the West in crypto right now"

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

According the the CEO of Abra, Bill Barhydt, there is a tidal wave of institutional money coming from the West.

The quote in the title was from Abra CEO Bill Barhydt when he was talking about the current investment landscape making up the cryptocurrency asset class.

According to Barhydt, there could be another major surge in cryptocurrencies just around the corner as this institutional money from the West starts to enter the space.

Oh, and by the way, he might know thing or two about institutional money as he used to work on trading systems with Goldman Sachs.

What he is saying specifically:

According to Barhydt, all hell will break loose once these big money institutions start allocating even 1% to cryptocurrencies.

Specifically, he had this to say:

“I talk to hedge funds, high net worth individuals, even commodity speculators. They look at the volatility in the crypto markets and they see it as a huge opportunity. Once that happens, all hell will break loose. Once the floodgates are opened, they’re opened.”

(Source: https://www.ccn.com/all-hell-will-break-loose-abra-ceo-predicts-bitcoin-boom-will-return-this-year/)

Why does that not surprise me. The more something moves the more money that can be made, especially in something with adequate liquidity but also isn't so large that it can be pushed around a bit by these guys.

Continuing with that theme...

Barhydt also had this to say:

"There really is zero large-scale institutional money from the west in crypto right now. That is happening in Japan. Once a large sizable chunk of Western institutional money starts to come in — watch out.”

(Source: https://www.ccn.com/all-hell-will-break-loose-abra-ceo-predicts-bitcoin-boom-will-return-this-year/)

And this:

"We’re getting closer and closer to real clarity in the West that it’s OK putting half a percent of your assets into crypto."

(Source: https://www.ccn.com/all-hell-will-break-loose-abra-ceo-predicts-bitcoin-boom-will-return-this-year/)

(Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/big-investors-will-make-all-hell-break-loose-in-crypto-in-2018-says-abra-ceo)

This is what some other people on "the street" have been saying as well recently.

Wall Street type money is starting to dip their toes in but they are a long ways from having a set allocation to the space.

As regulations are implemented and updated, I imagine we will start to see more and more of this.

Doesn't really seem to be a matter of "if", but rather a matter of "when".

Stay informed my friends.

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Follow me: @jrcornel


quite logical reason , but many people scared and ran, because they can't stomach the volatility. :)

That’s what I’ve thought as well. With the size of the crypto market , almost no western money has entered it yet. It will be a huge leg up once some of this money starts to find its way in. Thanks for the post!

Fingers crossed 🤞

Yup, that would be a huge step for crypto. The big question is: when? Im sure they are waiting for low prices to get involved, now seems like a pretty good opportunity. I wonder how much farther crypto would have to fall be for the big institutions start getting involved.

There is still not very much BIG MONEY, and I am talking Wall street money, not "Whales", in the market right now. The amount of money Wall Street has compared to the Whales is astounding...500k is on deck next bubble

@jrcornel I was being reading before read your your post about specified technology ; not doubt, occidents businesses are reorganizing, looking to bring to their businesses highest profits and innovations, trying not to loose their guidelines.
Cryptography is our present and the future for lot of people and institutions. Of course, its will take their position again.

Both politics & big financial markets are 2 faces to the same coin of the ugly unexpected game

I mean it is is like the iceberg showing much little than what it really hides !

I have seen similar articles and podcasts on this including Palm Beach.

Also in my opinion regulations will be a good thing for all of us.

At the minute it is very painful looking at Blockfolio but shorting coins and grabbing free crypto at the minute is good :-)

Plenty of deals to be had and some really good coins up for grabs.

You can get some free crypto by registering with Ethos before the 31st March, confirmed coins include Axpire, Bitdegree, Smartcash and more being announced :-)

Thanks for sharing.

This was similar to what Mike Novogratz was saying a few months before Crypto went parabolic during the fall. He was saying "the heard is coming" and he was right. We only had a taste of Institutional buying Q4 of 2017. The big money is coming and they buy it low like right after a 70% crash. Probably $1-$2 trillion of Crypto by end of this year. Smart big money buys now.

To be honest I would bet that a lot of that was retail, though I am sure institutional money played a big part in manipulating prices up towards that $20k number as well. They are likely suppressing prices right now as much as they can in order to get some exposure before the next move up.

Agree 100%. However the worry is “ the pattern is no more a pattern until a lot of the public knew it “ lol

I think now they are waiting to see how much of a contraction the market will have....Novagratz is gone now, we don't here from him...he made is speech and got what he wanted, and cancelled is upcoming crypto fund....

But when? We are down another 6% today and we just keep dropping. Institutional money is only any good if it actually buys in!

things have changed, they won't come in that kind of a bleeding....

Not sure what you mean?

My guess is after we see regulation. Regulation means a safer market for institutional investors

What do you mean regulation? This already exists in many countries, KYC etc has been around for ages.

I mean regulation in the United States, the SEC. Institutional investors in the west will not invest in crypto's without proper SEC regulations in place, it is too risky. Regulations in other countries has nothing to do with "There really is Zero large scale institutional money from the West in crypto right now"?

Until the prices rise, it's all talk...not a single piece of commentary, news or analysis matters when the prices continue to drop

I am especially excited for a crypto ETF - the recent comments from CBOE will hopefully expedite this. Gold experienced a dramatic surge following introduction of the first ETF, and I expect this to be no different. So many people want exposure to this market, but are not comfortable holding their own private keys or leaving the safety of a traditional brokerage service.

The problem at the moment is that investors are withdrawing money from the hedge funds. So till they stem the flow, they haven't got the cash to put into crypto.