You can now buy apartments in Turkey using Bitcoin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

First it was Dubai, and now it's Turkey.

If you are in the market for a new apartment, particularly a high-end one (and you live in the right place), you may find yourself able to purchase it using Bitcoins.

Dubai announced about a month ago a new apartment project where Bitcoin owners would get first crack at purchasing the upscale apartments:

Turkey is now following suit.

The owner of the MiaVita Beytepe project in Ankara, Turkey, recently announced that it's luxury apartments are available for purchase using Bitcoin. 

This development would mark the first time real estate transactions would be made using Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in Turkey.

The project manager, Erdal Daldaban, specifically had this to say:

"We decided to make sales via Bitcoin, which has recently attracted the attention of Turkish investors with its recent value route, considering that we could also attract the attention of our customers who appreciate their investments like this."

This follows an announcement last week that a house in Austin, Texas was sold for Bitcoin. 

Why Bitcoin?

According to Daldaban it is the logical next step:

"Bitcoin and digital money has become an element that can no longer be ignored by the global economy."

Mostly due to its price increase and its adoption taking place around the world, I would assume.

However, this next quote by Daldaban was the most interesting in my opinion:

"Bitcoin is independent of monetary policies that control conventional currencies and acts on its own channel as it is not tied to any Central Bank."

That might be of particular interest to people in certain countries.

Could a perceived negative also a positive?

The fact that Bitcoin is not legal tender can also work in it's favor as it isn't subject to a lot of the rules and regulations that currencies in the region might face.

Therefore, one of the things seen as a negative as of late, can also be one of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies biggest positives. In countries where rampant inflation and monetary debasement might be taking place, owning Bitcoin is a great way to hedge and protect your wealth. 

A store of value if you will... imagine that.

Turkey officially declared Bitcoin "not a currency" back in 2013, but hasn't updated their official stance since that time.

Their reasoning being that it isn't backed by a central government. Perhaps that is also one of its biggest positives... 

Stay informed my friends.


Image Sources:

Follow me: @jrcornel


Wow... That's a great news...!!

this is the future man!

That would be amazing to have enough btc to buy property

Great for people who have bitcoins :(
It's just another day for us minnows.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

you can work hard and make $1000 in a week on steemit if you work hard enough! ANYONE on steemit can make money now! it's a chance for anyone ANYONE to succeed ! All it takes is the work ethic!

You also shouldn't ask people for follows just sayin

heres 21 cents ;)

U should be trrying harder, anyone who WANTS money can work hard and EARN their first bitcoin VERY fast! you can earn $4k in a month on steemit if you just work hard!

That's true, but at the moment I only earn a couple of bucks on steemit a months.

However, I do not put in the time at the moment.
Have my MA-Degree and my job too :D

But once I have the MA done I will spend more time to make steem

here is 42 cents so i hope that helps but yeah i forget that steem doesnt = everything and just because your poor on steemit doesn't mean you are poor in real life, u just said u have a MA and a guessing u make more than me than, so you should be giving ME 42 cents! hey yeah i should take back those upvote! ...nah ill leave it..... hey but yeah i almost thought you needed the money more than me for a second there, but i should realize my actions just reflect on steemit and when people see users giving out money to users without money it just makes steemit look really good! makes us look like how reddit used to look back when reddit was nice people can exist on any social network...

many of society's outcasts will find work on steemit , and u should have steemit for if your job doesn't work out....more often than not people loose their jobs...most jobs are not very long term nowadays, we need to have steemit as a backup

i wish i had just concentrated on Bitcoin instead of "Jobs" over the last 8 years i know everyone would have! wow 8 years thats it thats how long bitcoin has existed and honestly the first few years didnt really count, it wasnt until like 2010 that bitcoin was really a thing and then wasnt until like 2015 that it became as mainstream as it is now, funny how its both mainstream and underground.....

man imagine all the crazy people who used bitcoin early on who profited, all the drug there must be a lot of drug dealers with bitcoins laying around who just became super wealthy.... they made up a large core of bitcoin owners...

just look at and you can HEAR all the bitcoin transactions AND see them!

Yeah, here's a cent :D

I don't have a lot of steem.

The MA is not as great to be honest and just like you I wish I had been participating in BitCoin right away.
Why did I listen to my friend who told me its garbage, instead of checking it out earlier and realizing that its all I ever wanted.

Well, that life sometimes.

Anyway, now we have these great tools available to us and we should use them. There is no need to feel bad about the past and just move towards a better future is always possible :)

yes we might not get the sort of gains that bitcoin made but we will still get to make incredible gains with Steem and with the remaining gains of Bitcoin and other altcoins ...theer are still a lot of gans to be made but we have this way of making money on steemit we should be grateful and we should give back to steem so steem grows

steem topken is STRONG @craig-grant made that point in one of his recent viodeos about ho steem token stays strong because big bag holders just refuse to sell a certyain amount of tokens so hey the price cant really drop below that point plus many core users buying back steempower with the payouts they are getting and he mentioned how as long as our steem token remians strong then they can pay developers in steem and get things done upgrade the site maintain thenetwork and so steemit remains relevant and stays online on autopilot decentralized and once we have more people we will have a really nice community of whales many many new users will become powerful and able to regulate the space, people with lots of steempower will be seen as like moderators and we will see users buying stempower JUST to have more than some other user! we will see users having to buy steempower to win their petty arguments and eve corporations buying steempopwer to silence their critics XD and wewil all be laughing to the bank! steem price will rise!

There is always gainz
~gym bros

Nah, you are totally right. Life is full of opportunities and we just need to grab them when they present themselves.

I bought some tokens under 1 cent, if they ever rise to a dollar I am a made man. The question is IF they will rise to a dollar but if they do then I will be very happy. If they don't I'll still be happy because I did not lose much :D

My job does not really pay that well.
It's pizza delivery :P

But, the MA may be worthwhile in the future if I get a decent job.

yup, I agree.. if you have some good content and work hard enough, you can definitely make a living with steemit. I started like two weeks ago and have already some 74 followers and make like 10 cents in average per post, it's not much, but it could be severals dollars in a few months..

Yes, it's all about persistence and patience.

I randomly got some lucky 5$ posts here and there.

It all adds up :)

I already got 50 cents. Is that like a whole square millimeter in a Turkish apartment?

Is this true, that mining is better profit than dealing with drugs? It is leagl, and this is the most important point. follow me @guardtime8

Lol. I was just thinking the same thing.

here is 11 cents for your comment, but when steem is $1000 , my upvote of 11 cents will be worth $110! So here is a piece of your future crypto fortune!

Make it rain lol

oh yeah? heres 38 cents, 100% upvote at like 30% voting power at full power i can get like over $1.20 or somethin but ya enjoy ur 38 cents for a comment!

I like to make a big deal out of the comment upvote monwey so more people can see it and go WOAH did that guy just make money from COMMENTS ?!?! U can make MONEy Arguing with people onloine>!?!?!

DUDE in teh future we will have STeemit Debate teams with full on flame wars with one side fl;agging the other side, massive flag wars will ensue, democrats vs republicans, antifa vs alt right, it will be insane, whoever gets the most money to buy the more steempower gets to have more power so we will be all winning out if we own steem :D

wow, your photos are amazing! Welcome to steemit. I follow you now as starting present.
If you like my Posts, just Follow me and Resteem and Upvote my Posts. @iqbalhabibi

Thats the spirit :)

lol :D

theoretical millionaire.

I like the sound of that. Owning a single bitcoin may be a bit expensive right now but atleast we are getting a piece of the crptocurrency pie with steemit. And when steem is $1000 we'll all be laughing to the bank(or your nearest crypto exchange)

that single btc might at 400grand by 2020

$4000 is not that expensive....itslike owning 1/21millionth of the total money supply, which is insane, like if there was only 21 million Bars of gold and you had one of them....

Hmm yeah seems strange at FIRST then u realize, theres 7 billion people so 21 million isnt even enough for everyone on earth to have 1 bitcoin....hahaha imagine people with thousands of bitcoin, LOl and the peopel woith MILLIONS of bitcoins? a MILLION bitcoins thats a 4 blllion dollars..... hah imagine when someone goes "yeah Im a bitcoin millionaire, no i mean i have 1 million BITCOINS" hahah having 1 million dollars wont be very much

but they say 1 bitcoin always buys you the same amount of stuiff, and that they would pay roman soldiers 1 bitcoin a month just like they pay US marines or today...oh wait im thinking of a ounce of gold....hah bitcoin just keeps buying you more and more stuff

people think bitcoin could go down to 3 dollars per bitcoin hah thats crazy, who would sell them for that cheap? Sure you COULD end up with $3 a flash crash for a short period of tiume, hah i just cant see it hapening see people KNOW its more valouable than $3 people KNOW its more valuable than $1000 and peopel are starting to realize that since Bitcoin is SOLID and its Uncrackable and is the SAFEST way to store your money, people just realize that MATH is the best way to keep value, and the PRICE of bitcoin IS NOT A COMPANY its NOT a STOCK peopel DONT GET that Bitcoin doesnt CARE how expensive you or any government thinks it is! Bitcoin just goes higher and higher and noone can do anything to erase math from the plaet hahahah Math exists and therefor bitcoin private keys will contunue to work and yes maybe quantum computers in 100 years might break bitcoin but by then we will have some new crypto currency that will really be unbreakable, also the drive to crack a bitcoin walet is like a huge bounty for doing work, it is INCENTIVE to keep building faster computers where youll be able to steal bitcoin from a wallet etc, like taking bitcoin from some big wallet and you could then make it necisary to need quantum computers then you use THOSE quantum computers to make new unbreakable cryopto currency then you have a race to break ythat and it will keep pushing computing power foreward etc...or thats one way to look at it...i think incentive will always be there to build faster computers but I think bitcoin and crypto mining has strengthened the computer graphics card and processor cmanufactyiuring on this planet it made sure that every last video card was bought and used to mine with LOL so now people have something to use computers for to just make money by default its realy powerful concept that we have npot had untill now, the ideaof a computer literally making money, before the computer had to do something which could then later turn into money or maybe trade ion stoick markets etc but now with bitcoin u can just fuckin make money out of computing power which makes things next level

i really believe we ned to see this video on emulated humans running in computer programs on servers having to make money working to then supply the electricity and computer power needed to emulate their human brain which is being run in a simulation....

Soon u will 2 btc a Beachhouse!!! 100.000Btc in 2years! ;o)

Maybe in the next years if BTC goes very high ?

I concur wholeheartedly. I wished I had gotten in on BTC earlier. HODL what you can

A lot of us missed the boat on bitcoin...4000$ per coin! Go catch another boat(i.e., other coins will rise)

This is quite interesting. Using bitcoin to by traditional assets. a friend bought a townhouse in nyc for 10 million using bitcoin. take a look at this bitcoin real estate link that shows how many different countries around the world where you can find listed properties that can be purchased with bitcoin. for the seller it is a great way to build crypto assets .

The sale of real estate with Bitcoin is actually a sensible and wise attempt. I also want to sell my newly completed apartment in BTC in Istanbul. But my only problem is; at the end of the official transaction to be made with the buyer, how can I formalize this transaction according to the applicable laws? For example, how do I declare BTC during official registration if I buy from the apartment sale?

They probably escrow and back the bitcoin. You send it to them, they transfer it to fiat to complete the transaction. The only real transactional realestate conducted in the US was by IBREA International Blockchain Real Estate Association in Cook County with the help of the County Recorder.

Thank you for your kind reply.

upvoted and resteemed very interesting. We will see the crypto gaining popularity and the mainstream of money is beginning to take away from the fraud goverment thanks

@hiroyamagishi I definiteky agree with you. As I mentioned to @jrcornel above, This actions are the ones helping more people to gain trust on crypto and bitcoin itself. Gave you an upvote. @gold84

@hiroyamagishi oke. let me follow you

Interesting, bit by bit the btc is accepted and more and more "goods" could be paid with the crypto mother.
Post itself is Interesting, Thanks for sharing

facilitate, without the need to bring money
and use ATM?

Didnt thought turkish government would be that tolerant towards btc.

thats cool... that's why i have to reach Bitcoin! !! 😂. least once in my life hahah..

Wow. Bitcoiners are scattered everywhere and this is a good news for us!