Datum Is a Project that Can End Digital Slavery

This will be you a few years from now. As technology advances, concepts like digital data become more and more valuable. Some would argue that they become even more valuable than technology itself. I don't usually do ICO reviews but I believe Datum will define how we do business. Selling data will be much like selling services.
Data will be the new fossil fuel craze. Data exchange will be tradeable commodities — a vast economy where anyone can take part. With our current model big companies control all our data giving little to no benefit to the people that actually produce them. It will be no surprise if future generations compare our current online activity with early slavery. After all, we do spend most of our time online and produce valuable content earning almost no rewards.
Datum is decentralised database powered by Ethereum, BigchainDB and IPFS. It will allow anyone to backup structured data from online activity, wearables or even IOT devices while staying anonymous. In parallel it will provide a market for users to share their data based on their own terms. The token is also mineable and will allow users to run storage nodes thus getting rewarded for storing and providing low latency access to data.
The team behind the project is solid with extended experience in large scale data processing and management systems. They are mainly based in Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong — for some considered to be the capitals of the decentralised revolution
The pre-sale ico is active now and you can take part here. Currently the token bonus sits at 85% and you will receive the tokens immediately. Considering how messed up ICO's have been lately this is a very good sign for the future of this project.
We are taking part in a technological revolution of unparalleled proportions. We will be able to realize this in a few years from now when blockchain technologies become the new standard. Projects such as Datum will revolutionise the way we interact with each other and even affect the value of our daily relationships. Data were always a valuable commodity but with technologies like books, the internet and today blockchain the impact has been exponential.
Needless to say that this is not an investment advice and you should never spend more than your are willing to lose.

What new projects will be powered with Steem? Does anybody know? I'm interested
You mean other than DTube? Not sure, would love to know.
Looks very promising
I love ICO's i buy them all they will all go up real question is just how much!
Well, you shouldn't buy in all of them ...
damn can't keep up with all the ico's . This time is amazing. Will take a lot into it ;)
3 Billion coins is a bit too much, low price is good, token amount for sale is good too. Team is ok i guess, but now product or prototype yet. No idea how they are gonna try and force facebook to use their system.
Yeah, and just launching the test network only in December (well after the token's ICO) means I'll be sitting this one out. In comparison, others like BlockCat have released at least limited functionality product shortly after or during their crowdsales.
Love the concept though, and I may very well buy afterwards, once something beyond that has actually been produced and tested, not before. Too many of these ICOs now seem to be launching earlier in their product's development phases than they should, because they know they're a quick and easy way to get initial funds that they couldn't obtain support for otherwise (e.g. large investor backing or a business loan), by using steep discounts on microcontributions towards a product that may never even materialise (e.g. OneCoin).
I'm not suggesting in any way that this is some sort of scam or even vaporware, but if the tech ultimately doesn't work then the result is the same...
They should have partnered with Neo
Interesting, more innovative ideas, all inspired by the blockchain technology. Decentralise everything!
This is interesting.....
this is generic.....
Hahaha bot testing, one two...
I'm not going to write a book on this post, I said it was interesting, don't worry I'll never comment on anything you post every again
You passed the bot test. Good on you for that.
As far as @kyriacos posts you most defiantly want to read his posts. They are some of the most intelligent on Steemit. Lots to question and learn.
So many new projects are coming in and it's a very exciting time right now to see how all of these creative ideas will turn out :)
Indeed. The scene has really started to heat up
What kind of slavery do you mean ???
Digital ! It says so in the topic!
When you are online interacting on social media and getting nothing in return while people use your activity to make more money then this is essentially slavery. You just don't realize it because everyone is doing it and because you were born in it.