Social media is one of the commodity of the modern world which has made the communication much easier and more interesting.
From the start of 21st century social media begins to seek the attention of the world and soon after few years it become one of the biggest digital indutry of the world.
To deliver news and spreading any content on social media platform has become much affective as compare to the traditional ways (like TV) because in modern era majority of the persons are a part of this global village (i.e connected with social media).
Today we have variety of different social media news platforms of different types and features.
Among all the news platforms on social media there are very few of the platforms which are rewarding the members for their work like on content creation.
But few problems which are observed in these existing platforms are :
- They are not convenient or in reach of everyone because of some uselss restrictions for basic users.
- Mostly platforms don't reward users for their creation and if some of them do so the reward is too low.
- Users don't have much options to customize their work on platform because of centralized network.
- No way to identify the real and fake news on the platfrom, fake news are being spread over the network on large scale.
In this modern era where world is moving towards the digital world and blockchain technology is paving way for a better communication and payment network.
Team lead by "Ankit Bhatia" have introduced a democratized network using blockchain which is indeed a revolution in social media named as "SAPIEN".
SAPIEN is providing a simply democratized and a decentralized news platform where content creators will be rewarded according to their work without any intermediaries and they will have authority to customize their work.
SAPIEN ecosystem is comprised of following types of users :
- Creators : The users which creates original articles, videos or comments etc and submit it on SAPIEN platform are rewarded with SPN tokens according to their creation.
- Curators : Differnet curators will be assigned differnt branches on platform according to their skills, they will go through the content in their branch and will share high quality content within their branch. They will be rewarded with SPN tokens for their work.
- Freelancers : Skillful people (freelancers) will offer their services to users on the platfrom and get SPN tokens in return as payment after the completion of project.
- Developers : Through a developer platfrom SAPIEN will encourage developers who want to contribute with their skills in ecosystem by application and features.
- Media Companies : SAPIEN allows media companies to join as a partner for independent pricing of content for individuals and publishications. Influential media partners can help to build good reputation of network.
Through a mechanism of distinguishing and prmoting quality content, SAPIEN network will ensure the fair process of rewarding users.
Undoubtedly SAPIEN has proved to be a first Democratized social platform by giving power to the SPN users, they will have power to propose rewards, market decesions and development through their voice.
Several core values of SAPIEN network are as under:
->Privacy : Privacy is ensured as network is based on ethrereum blockchain.
->Democracy : Users will distinguish quality content in a decentralized network without any cental authority.
->Free Speech : Users have power to propose the network development, market decesion and rewarding ideas.
->Customizablility: Users would be able to customize their content easily and features of platfrom according to them.
- No intereption of a central authority, as SAPIEN is decentralized platform and users will have choice to cutomize their work.
- Users will be rewarded according to their work and creation in tokens which can be used is SAPIEN marketplace for buying goods and services.
- A pure democtratized platform will ensure the availability of platform for every user who is willing to join.
- Fake news will be distignuished and thus it will limit their influence.

Webite :
Whitepaper :
ANN thread :
Bitcointalk :;u=879197