Decenturion Partnership

Decenturion is the first borderless country or state. It has no physical ground. However, it aims to acquire land and premises around the globe. It is a state that exists in a digital form. Decenturion is based on an ethereum blockchain. It aims to be populated with many innovators and entrepreneurs. This will help it to become a state with the highest level of standard of living.

There is an opportunity that citizens will help to uplift each other’s welfare through continued partnerships. Currently, Decenturion has more than 600 000 residents, according to December 31 statistics. The citizens are backed up by many start-ups. The start-ups are crypto organisations.

Decenturion aims to buy properties and have physical embassies in many countries across the world. Whereas some people question the feasibility of the digital state many people are already part of this great initiative. There are many ways in which you can participate in Decenturion.

Become a Decenturion citizen

You can take part in this great initiative by becoming a citizen of Decenturion. There are two options to become one. You can be invited by another citizen, where he/she pays for your citizenship. If you have no friend or relative who can pay for you, then you have to make the once-off payment. You can get more details on the payment on

When you become a citizen you get two types of passports. These are digital and physical passports. The digital passport is shown on your landing page on the Decenturion website. You get the physical passport, which you can use to attend Decenturion conferences and workshops, among others. It is sent to your address, indicated on your registration form.
The passport is important as it helps you to achieve the following:


When you become a citizen you will receive income in the form of tokens from time to time. The cryptocurrency is distributed by new start-ups to Decenturion. As you can see Decenturion is a great source of passive income to all citizens.


Citizens have the privilege to bring in new citizens to Decenturion. These may include your friends and relatives. Since a citizen receives income he/she is able to pay for a number of people to be admitted into Decenturion. So, if you join know that you have to capacity to invite others and admit them.

Commercial support

Decenturion offers an opportunity to its citizens to learn a lot of new things for free. You find a lot of support from existing citizens. Citizens interact in various platforms. Decenturion has different news channels, in various languages.


There are employment opportunities in Decenturion. People work as clerks, accountants, educators and mentors, among others. Since Decenturion has 12 ministries, they all require workers. For example, the Ministry of Information requires many writers and influencers to spread the news about Decenturion. In fact, every citizen can have a role to play, through which he/she earns additional income.

What is unique about Decenturion as a state/country?

Apart from offering all citizens the right to make decisions through its direct democracy system, Decenturion do the following:

All citizens receive an income,
All citizens have ownership of Decenturion, through shareholding,
The total revenue of Decenturion is distributed to its citizens,
No one pays tax,
All citizens are equal and have the same privileges,
There is no government or central authority,
All people who hold positions in Decenturion are chosen by citizens through voting.

As you can see Decenturion is truly unique. If you require more details about how to go about joining Decenturion read the article,