The Certainty Of CRYPTO’S SUPREMECY Is PLAIN, The 'System' Is FAILING” - McAfee Bashes Haters Crypto News 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The Certainty Of CRYPTO’S SUPREMECY Is PLAIN, The 'System' Is FAILING” - McAfee Bashes Haters Crypto News 2018

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Welcome back to the tech Hash House for another Article here today. In today's Article we'll be discussing another tweet from John McAfee and I've been trying to say a bit more up to date on his tweets. They're usually pretty interesting. I will say on his twitter feed there's a lot of self promotion, that sort of thing, so I do kind of have to wade through that, but I do generally like John McAfee's opinions on cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.

He's very bullish and for that reason I am kind of, you know, always interested in covering what he has to say. So with that being said, today, I'll be covering a tweet in which John McAfee literally says the certainty of crypto supremacy. His plane, he actually says that in the tweet and it's really pretty interesting. So of course you still as bullish as ever.

And he has still said that if he gets his press prediction wrong for Bitcoin, which is $1,000,000 by 2022, I believe he was supposed to eat his own genitals. I don't really know if he will actually do that, but it's always interesting to see or at least hear about anyway, so before I jump right in and discuss his tweet a bit further, I would remind all of you drop a like and less Article if you like it, Follow and share for more and let's go ahead and jump right in. So John McAfee tweeted and about 7:33 PM eastern time on August 24th quotes, you think the future of Crypto is disappearing. Don't be fooled.

The certainty of cryptos ultimate supremacy is plain and just look closer at these subtle movements within governments, banks and financial institutions. The ungluing of the existing hierarchical system has begun. And on this tweet he actually also attached an image of an octopus swimming around a reef and camouflaging itself using its surroundings.

It's more of just a dirty ocean floor

Now a reef might be a bit of a stretch. And when I say dirty, I don't necessarily mean unclean. It is just covered in dirt. It's the ocean floor. Now I can't play back the whole clip in this Article for copyright reasons, or at least in a comment on this Article. So what exactly is John McAfee talking about in this tweet? Well, let's go ahead and break it down piece by piece. Obviously if you want to take a look at the Article, you can see that this octopus camouflaging itself is a bit of a metaphor of the financial systems integrating with cryptocurrencies in order to become competitive for the future.

Now we're seeing this a lot with Goldman Sachs and other big banks as of late as they work to adopt cryptos in order to make themselves more money.

Even fidelity is assembling a cryptocurrency team and really with all of these pieces of news coming out, it is critical to take a look at things and realize that these companies are adapting for the future of finance and they're doing so by adopting cryptocurrency technologies. So that is how I see the Article in a metaphorical sense. Now let's go ahead and look at the text of the tweet a bit closer. So mcafee says, you think the future of Crypto is disappearing. He's obviously saying this to run counter to many of the people that do believe that cryptocurrency is beginning to fail. Obviously I don't think it is.

I think that assumption is pretty short sighted. All things considered as cryptocurrencies, honestly overall are pretty darn new and he goes on to say, don't be fooled. Once again, asserting his bullish stance, the certainty of cryptos ultimate supremacy is plain and that is a very clear statement.

He's saying the cryptocurrency will ultimately reign supreme over standard financial institutions. So he goes on by saying, just look closer at these subtle movements within governments, banks and financial institutions. There he is more or less saying, like I said before, and like this camouflaging octopus, that these banks, these institutions are not coming right out and saying cryptocurrency will be successful. We believe in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. They're moving covertly and they're building teams in the dark to work on these technologies as they continue to advance.

And he finally closes by saying the ungluing of the existing hierarchical system has begun. So in that statement he is essentially saying that cryptocurrency is beginning to change the financial world and that it's really making a huge difference and I'm of course inclined to agree with that the current hierarchical system of millionaires and billionaires and even maybe trillionaires controlling the finances of the 99 percent could be dramatically altered with cryptocurrencies.

But I really think that what he's saying here is that these mainstream financial institutions are essentially working these new technologies into their systems and while they may not be direct with their acquisition of various researchers or professionals involved in the cryptocurrency space, it is happening and it will ultimately change the financial world probably for the better as it's generally more convenient and really more egalitarian than the systems that we've already implemented.

But anyway, anyway, that is my opinion. And that is my interpretation of this tweet from John McAfee. I would encourage all of you to check it out. I do think it's very important to do so and you know, feel free to let me know what all of you think about it in the comment section below. As I said, John McAfee was always putting out interesting opinions and I always like to cover what he has to say. So anyway, like I said, that is my take. Let me know what all of your thinking. I'll see all of you in the next Article. If you liked this Article, drop like share and Follow. See all of you in the next one.

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