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RE: The Biggest ICO of 2017 may well of gone under most investors Radar ...... But its not too late!

I have a couple of comments on your post... first... yes, it is extremely interesting that it is about Artificial Intelligence, and it is extremely interesting that the ICO sold out in three hours, and it is extremely interesting that Microsoft and Samsung and Siemens are already using the platform... but the biggest fish of all in Artificial Intelligence is missing, and that is GOOGLE's Deep Mind....

That does not amount to a strike... but Google is the boss of Artificial Intelligence, without any doubt. Well, let's see if the Rest of the World can dominate in the long run. The Google Deep Mind AI chess program absolutely smashed the previously reigning World Chess Champion Computer Program (Deep Blue) in a 100 game match, 72 games tied, 28 games won by Google. And it did this with only 4 hours of training, learning to play chess, basically by playing against itself.

What I mean is: Google is missing. If Google ever gets excited about DBC, it will skyrocket to the moon. And yes, I would like to be on board...

If Google does NOT get on board with DBC, as I guess that it probably will not, it is still a very powerful platform to have Microsoft and Samsung and others, so, yes, I would like to invest a little bit.

So the second point is: where do I buy it ? "DBC will be listed after Christmas on Huobi, Kucoin, and Lbank ." Today is Christmas... so it will be listed in Huobi, Kucoin, and Lbank soon... Huobi is in Beijing, China... Kucoin is in Hong Kong, China... and I couldn't find where is Lbank...

And third... I thought that China has made IPO's illegal... How can this be happening in China ?

Thank you for bringing this to my (our) attention.


Thanks for the comment ..... I'm a massive fan of decentralising the internet and so I'm a massive critic of Google if I'm honest and feel these big centralised monopolies are under serious threat from their decentralised counterparts. I understand in the current paradigm the big internet companies rule the roost but as a blockchain investor I look into the future and see the disruptive technologies taking over. As such I'm unconcerned about Googles AI because although it may be good at Chess its not run on the Blockchain so its not anywhere near as innovative as the emerging technologies.

DBC is listing on the 3 exchanges mentioned in my post but exact times and dates have been rearranged and there is some confusion. I suggest joining the Telegram group for updates.

Your third point is something many people seem to be confused about. Chinese citizens were not allowed to participate in the ICO and thats why there was a KYC phase. US citizens were also ineligible. These technologies are global, Neo for instance is often referred to as 'the Ethereum of China' but in reality it's a threat to Ethereum globally. Apple is a US company and is global. The only difference here is Chinese citizens cannot participate in the buying stage of ICOs but Chinese tech companies are nevertheless at the forefront of the innovation. Its my belief this will be resolved in 2018 as China would not want to risk its standing in the world of technological innovation. Really though all it means is that Chinese Tech is getting its Venture capital from non Chinese citizens.

Thanks for the interesting feedback much appreciated.