SCRIV network - masternode sale/auction - detailed

All SCRIV coins sales will be held in Discord.
This guide will help, if you don't know what is "masternode". Feel free to ask Discord admins' pm for any questions.
Masternode sale / auction - is a sale / auction of 1 set of coins, required to run masternode (100 000 coins for SCRIV).
All auctions will be held in English format (open ascending price auction). It's rules will be announced in Discord before start.
Stage 1 - 1 masternode sale - 11.03.18
This sale will be held for fundraising for exchanges listings and marketing.
- Masternode price - 2.5 BTC;
- Maximum masternodes for sell - 1 (100 000 coins)
Stage 2 - Minor masternode auction - 13.03.18
This auction will be held for fundraising for monitoring site listings, visual design improvements, etc.
- Auction hard cap - 3.5 BTC
- Maximum masternodes for sell - 2 (200 000 coins)
This means that, if we will sell 1 masternode for 3.5+ BTC - auction will be finished.
We are raising 6 BTC in total on the 1+2 stages. This funds will fully cover all possible expenses for making SCRIV project more attractive for present and future investors.
During 10.03.18-05.04.18 we guarantee not more then 5 masternodes in the network. This means that early investors will have 1000+% ROI and can return their investments without fears of coin inflation and masternodes number increasing.
All community members that have bought a masternode will be rewarded with real-life souvenir coin. More information about it will be announced in our next topic.
Stage 3 - Major masternode auction - Apr 18
After block reward increasing (block 86500) we will held final auction.
Raised funds will be spent for development, marketing and SCRIV coins' price maintenance.
- Auction hardcap - 20 BTC;
- Maximum masternodes for sell - 7 (500 000 coins).
All masternode owners are fully technically supported by our team. Doesn't matter if you are newbie or master, we will be happy to help!
Join our social, it's only a beginning ;)

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