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RE: Have Quantum Computers Already Unlocked Cryptocurrency Exchange Wallets?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I highly disagree, the knowledge is VERY centralized. Have you done much research on the pioneering company behind Quantum Computers -- DWAVE? You should listen to the founder and CEO talk as if he's bowing down to some godlike monolith when he speaks about it. When you understand the actual true concepts of what they are doing, it's very disturbing.

Please watch THIS VIDEO

"We can build machines now that can EXPLOIT those other worlds." @ 5:02 in the video -- talking about being able to pull resources out and use parallel universes for the benefit of our world. Disturbing.

There are many theories and it's tough to even scratch the surface without a full suit of tinfoil, but I'm ready to dive down the rabbit hole if you all are as well!


You are speaking about 'the' pioneering company. By saying that you are neglecting two facts. First you are talking about public companies in the western world. China and Russia are also doing research. Second IBM has a different approach and will have commercial models available soon as well.

A bit unrelated. Quantum computing is just one appliance of the technology. There are others. For example quantum stealth.