
Bought it, sold it, Ethereum has its own storage module so I think the development stages of Storj, MaidSafe, Siacoin and others may not make it out of early development. As a speculation point of view, all coins will go up and down and this is not the first time Storj has gone up, or down. Trading is just a glorified Casino, be careful. Hold as much Bitcoin as possible for the future, it is what all Alt Coins trade against.

So I have been an investor in this coin since the start.

I think the team is missing a decent overall strategy and mission as well as a comprehensive solution.

Storj seems like a technical solution to me, how to create decentralized storage, but how this can be turned into value for users and money for investors is not very clear.

Almost seems like they want to build a platform and hope that others will build the product....

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