DIYT Coin Presale Soon Ending And Amping Up For ICO

Last chance for 50% off DIYT Coin Presale as we get closer to the official token crowdfunding sale starting May 1 and running through June 15, 2018. for more info.

DIY Tube Video is selling 40,000,000 DIYT Coins in order to raise funds to help complete the development of DIY Tube Video Community pages and also the coming blockchain. During the ICO, DIYT Coins will be selling for $0.10 each. Payments will be accepted in Ethereum, Bitcoin, paypal and credit card. Some of the proceeds from the coin sale will be used to get DIYT listed on coin exchanges.


DIYT Coins are already being paid out to members of the DIY Tube Video Community on a daily basis. If you make a comment today you will be paid tomorrow. Members are paid for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

Currently DIYT Coins on the community site are inside a virtual wallet. About the time of the official ICO start date, DIY Tube Video will be fully integrated with the Ethereum blockchain. This will allow community members to bring out their coins for sale on coin exchanges. DIYT Coins are fully Ether wallet compatible which makes it easy to trade them.

Visit the DIY Tube Video Community and get paid for doing what you enjoy:

Visit DIY Tube Coin pages for more info:


Please ignore any comments below

The founder of DIY Tube Video Community started on YouTube long ago

With over 100,000 subscribers you are going to pick up trolls

They spread lies and filth in attempts at destroying my life

Please visit the DIY Tube websites and judge for yourself

Thank You

Here are the official DIY Tube Video Community websites

DIY Tube Video Community:

DIY Tube Blog:

DIY Tube Coin Website:

DIY Tube Coin Sale Website:

DIY Tube Whitepaper:

DIY Tube Coin Sale Terms:

Thank you

I have one,1, $1:00 dollar to invest. Tell me how ,that we can grow together.

Is this the kind of idiot that you want to invest your money with?

hey reid. initially you said that only 250k diyt coins would be offered. now its 249.5 million. that makes you a liar doesnt it? now its 40 million. whats it gonna be tomorrow? doesnt look good for you fuckhead does it? your word means nothing reid. enjoy prison you scum.

Typical troll.

The official number of coins minted was 249,500,000

There is an official coin sale from May 1 to June 15 where 40,000,000 coins will be sold to raise funds to help continue development of the DIY Tube community and the blockchain.

People can find the official coin site here:

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...
FBD Sticker Add.jpg

funny how you cant seem to get rid of my comments...

FBD Sticker Add.jpg

Message to the curious visitor: You need to ask yourself, WHY would Troy Reid need to place this disclaimer on every blog?
Why does he buy rented Steem power and Up-Vote all his comments.
Why does he have 6 Steemit accounts?....@thediyworld, @trtechtactical, @diy-electronics, @blogger101, @mysthrio, @DIY-Tube-video.
Why does he buy subscribers for his YouTube channel at about 50-70 every day!
Why does he have Trolls?
Why does he claim to have a successful YT channel, BUT fails to show anything except film the ground and whine about the weather and play the victim about EVERYTHING!
Why did he have his viewers BUY him a mail order bride from PI (because he claims American women don't liked to be touched)
Why does he claim to have a "homestead" BUT only shows a feral cat and an abandoned truck?
Why does he claim to be 98% Off Grid BUT shows his solar panel wires Disconnected?
Why would he need to mine crypto currency on his dining table to provide money for this DIY Coin he is trying to sell you.
How can he mine crypto currency with all his mining rigs and be off grid???
Why does he refuse to show his discharge papers from the Army, what is he hiding?
Why does he refuse to go (or can not go) to the VA?
Why can he NOT tell the truth and not change his stories or narrative?

These are Not "lies and filth".
Reid is unemployable.
He makes sub par videos that less than 2000 people watch. Most YT channels get 2000 views in the first hour.
This is why he needs to scam money from others to fund his questionable venture.
Why would he require copies of your drivers license and a recent selfie picture in order for you to buy into a crypto account??

Yes, go visit his YouTube channels and watch for yourself how irresponsible, non-credible, non-credible and immature this victim mentality person he is.
You'll see.



Ignore the negative haters,,be your OWN man and show all, how to be Prosperous and Fulfilled.

I've got a bottle of fresh air to spare, can I invest that in return for some worthless coins please Trog?
Yoy can keep the empty bottle.

I have 3 dozen home made cookies I could invest. Oh and Troy, to save me calling you later, your Papa wants to know if you need any light five fingered discount propane this week for your on grid shack.

dont do it. that bottle is worth more than the coins.

Another Fixed!

oldcodge (19) · 23 hours ago

Scam Scam Scam Scam

Scam Scam Scam Scam

Scaaaaam, wonderful Scam!

8 votes

This coin thing of Troy Reid's seems very cagy to me.

Exactly HOW MUCH is going to fund development out of this $4,000,000 you are trying to raise? It's NOT in your white paper, in fact a lot is NOT in your white paper like all the team members names so we can look up their qualifications.

Coming soon?? All this is SUPPOSED to be in place before you start allowing people to invest!! This has NO transparency! Seems like you are hiding a lot. Can't even answer questions which is A BIG RED FLAG for a SCAM. Where is the list of developers? Where is the list of the TEAM? It's not in your white paper where it should be!

Oh, here is the website with the team members on it:

I dare you to leave my answer up and not gray it out.

BULLSHIT on your phony team as they have zero experience, IF they even exist at all. Where's their LinkedIn pages with all their experience? Oh, I guess you'll go create them now, right? Making it up as we go, huh?

You spelled Daniel's last name wrong, Neto not Nieto. Was that on purpose? Chris Miller can't spell, is missing front teeth, looks like a bum you picked up on a street corner and is very unprofessional. You sitting on a rock with your water bottle, yeah that's someone I want to control $4,000,000 with zero accountability on what you are doing with money.

I see you are still abusing Cris Miller. Poor guy.

Interesting. I guess you only want to spread slander but do not really want to hear my answers.

Someone keeps graying out all my answers.

Listen here little weasel, I have not flagged your comments under any of my questions. Getting tired of you accusing me of the crap you can clearly see is not me. Post the names & titles here, I asked the question here.
Also you never answered how much of the $4 million is going towards development. Anyone competent could answer that very easily.

Dick Head, You do not have answers. Answers require fact. Fact is something MOOOOOOOOOMMY never taught you along with any social skills, a conscience, honesty etc.

Coming soon.....

I am surprised that you demand answers but gray out my answers.

Looks to me like you only want to spread slander instead.

Still waiting for the names, titles of team members and how much from $4,000,000 is going to development.

Someone keeps graying out my comments. Let me try one more time here:

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

Someone keeps graying out my comments. Let me try one more time here:

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

i am glad you feel it is important to help protect people from scams as i just filed a legal report and claim against you with the SEC. they will be investigating you and will contact you soon as they have thoroughly investigated you. my guess is you will be arrested and charge with scamming and fraud here soon. i gave them all the same links you yourself provided to everyone. they will decide for themselves if you are a fraud. i understand that several complaints about your diyt scam have been officially filed against you with the SEC and FTC and FBI and IRS. you might want to quit while you are ahead and flee the country before you are thrown in prison for a long time.

Wow, quite impressive.

Now, if only you would dedicate your life to something worthwhile - you could really do wonders.

you wont be laughing when you discover what is going on behind the scenes ;)

dont worry in a few days i will have more power to grey you out again.

Someone keeps graying out my comments. Let me try one more time here:

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

Another Fixed!

joythedog (31) · 3 hours ago
Beware of Crypto Scams! Signs to look out for...

1 vote

Someone keeps graying out my comments. Let me try one more time here:

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

by greying out, flagging, and deleting comments requesting the legal documentation for DIYT you troy reid prove that DIYT is in fact a scam and illegally operated...

Oh, its not about you requesting any documents. I have no problem with that. I just gray our your comments due to general harassment over all.

So you have no problem with document requests? Where is your long form DD214 showing your discharge status that you promised to show months ago? The fact you show a short form DD214 says you have less than honorable discharge because only those members get the short form that you showed. When will you show your discharge status?

My military status has nothing to do with DIY Tube Video Community and the coming coin sale or its team members.

Actually my military status has nothing to do with anything really.

And I have tried again and again to show my forms but you deny them as being real.

you have NEVER shown your FULL DD214 without it having everything blocked out. you have NEVER shown your discharge status. you have shown two different DD214's which leads people to believe they are faked. much of your stories about the army and your terms used and the way you salute left handed and claimed it was how your unit did it plus all the fake awards you claimed are why you are constantly claimed stolen valor! also the dates you claim for your service dont add up. the units you claim have zero record of you on their rosters. the DOD and Veterans Affairs have never heard of you... all points to STOLEN VALOR SCAM ! ! !

Notice the date - three years ago this man was ranting about me and still is.

Edit: four years ago he was harassing me about this.

and for four years you still have not proven your discharge status being anything other than dishonorable!

nice rotc photos troy. but where are the actual army photos?

so you admit you were dishonorably discharged then???

Again you try to twist things. Where do you get that idea? From your own head, right.

you refuse to prove otherwise and you refuse to answer or even discuss the matter. therefore you are clearly lying about your enlistment or have something to hide such as your stolen valor...

prove i am wrong and show a clear unaltered and visible full copy of your member 4 copy of your DD214...

you may black out your SSN as that is the only bit of private info on the member 4 copy. the rest is public info. so if you have nothing to hide then post it here on its own steemit blog...

Oh, so you can harass the family where I lived?

I think not.

Only their address and my SS were blocked.

I dont think you need their address.



Four years ago you were ranting and calling me a liar and a fraud.

Here is the video I made in response to you back then:

Dated back to 2014. Four years this man has been harassing me and shouting stolen valor.

And here is a more modern one showing my Michigan State drivers license with Veteran status:

That is a redacted covered up short form DD214 only given to members with LESS THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE. Show the long form with discharge status on why you were separated from service. YOU HAVE SHOWN NO SERVICE AND ARE FULL OF LIES.

Proof that you Ryan (doc) are only spreading lies to cause me and my family harm.

Now I DARE You to leave my replies in place and not gray them out.

i will leave them because your own video proves you concealed your discharge status and refuse to show if you got honorably discharged or not. in fact it proves you are nuts and claim you recieved awards that dont exist like best tank driver in the army. also you dont drive tanks in basic training like you claim in these videos and comment section. the military salutes right handed but you claimed your unit saluted left handed. your dates dont match with your unit claims. the units you claimed to be in have zero record of you on their roosters. your own videos prove you are lying about your military career...

Nice words but you have nothing to back up your empty lies.

Dishonorable discharge = dishonorable investment....

Show all the documentation including the staff of your scam....

Another one. I dont think you can con Michigan State:

And we all know you have long ago turned me in to the State for fraud. Yet here is my Michigan State drivers license.

grey out these comments about your military lies and you will be proving that you are committing stolen valor by hiding the truth!!!

Michigan State seems to believe I served my country:

Michigan DMV does not require proof of service for that stamp is why you got it EFFIN LIAR STOLEN VALOR!!. SHOW YOUR DISCHARGE STATUS!!. You have no VA Benefits so big clue huh???

Gray out my answers and prove that you are only here to spread lies and filth about me.

it does NOT prove you were honorably discharged. why do you refuse to show your discharge status? the dmv does not enforce their rule about having to show proof. they just have you sign an affidavit that says you promise to be telling the truth. then if you ever get caught in the lie they arrest you. i know because i lived in michigan for several years and never had to show proof. yet my id says im a veteran too. prove it and show your full unedited member 4 copy of your dd214 with discharge status!

i love greying out your comments forcing you to spend power undoing it...

Well, at least you are open and honest about harassing me and also intentionally reducing my income.

That will help my case.

you have no case troy. i dont harass you. i simply report the truth about you. and i do so openly because im not afraid of you.

Oh, how did that tax fraud business go?

Not so good huh? I am still walking free.

Like all the other crimes you turn me in for. So helpful, you.

lol you think if you are not arrested right away then you are not in trouble... you do realize that those type investigations can last a couple years before they even notify you... gawd damn you are dumb...

Well, I am sure you will keep inventing crimes against me in hopes that one day something will stick.

And if you cant find any truth to report, you make some up. I have full documented evidence of you turning me in for arson when we were 150 miles away at the time. I have every word of it.

And that is just one case of many.

i turned your video in for the possibility of you committing the crime. it was up to the police to decide if you were at fault. according to your video you posted it was clear you were there. the police asked for info regarding the incident so i sent them a link to your very own youtube channel where they saw your video and thought the same thing everyone else thought. that you might be the culprit. it was not a crime to report a possible arsonist. see something say something is the LAW!

Actually, according to my REAL and unedited video, we were 150 miles away at the time.

When I showed the police the original and unedited video (the one YOU did not edit), they left. End of case.

just one case of many lol... if you have all these cases against me then why wont the police allow you to press charges on me if i am such a big time criminal? why cant you find a lawyer to sue me if you have such big cases against me? i own land and a house paid off, i have to big pensions, i have thousands in the bank, lots of valuable property... it certainly isnt because i am poor... i know its because you are retarded and have nothing on me that could be of used against me lol... any and all the evidence points to you troy reid being the fraud and criminal...

Well, you keep asking the same questions and graying out my answers.

lets try one more time.

My local police cant touch you because you are in PA and I am in MI.

Your local police cant do a thing because I am not in PA.

I never could afford a lawyer before.

And you claim that you are do dirt poor that there is nothing to gain by suing you.

There, lets see if my answer stays this time.

then please provide said documents or else you are breaking the law by not doing so!

Documents of incorporation:

And DIY Tube Video is registered as a DBA under The Do It Yourself World LLC. I guess, if I had to, I could photocopy the DBA, but I dont think its that important. You can take my word that its working under The Do It Yourself World LLC.

But you already knew all that before.

That should cover your questions well enough.

Please feel free to ask my any further questions.

Thank you.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video Community

The Do It Yourself World LLC

And here are some helpful links for you as well:

The DIY Tube Video Community: where everyone gets paid for doing what they enjoy.

DIY Tube Coin homepage: where you can find all necessary information about DIY Tube Coins. Dont forget the official ICO from May 1 to June 15, 2018.

DIY Tube Blog site:

Here is the whitepaper for DIY Tube Video Community:

And here are the terms for the DIY Tube Coin sale:

And the original DIYT Coin contract address:

I can see your friends have been going hog wild on the comments there though slandering the company. I guess I have some damage control to take care of.

Well, another day in the life of fighting trolls.

Thank you for showing interest in DIY Tube Video.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video

Troy - I asked this question on another post of yours a few months ago but received no answer.... so I'll try again...

Troy - Are you affiliated with CAI (Christian Assemblies International)?

so you admit you grey out comments that ask legitimate questions...

Depends on what you consider "legitimate" questions.

You have a proven track record of trying to twist things in order to cause harm to others.

i have a proven track record of asking questions you refuse to answer because you are a fraud...


Because from my view you have a proven track record of asking questions.....

Then removing my answers.

You cannot deny it. Its on the blockchain.

i only ask questions to reveal the truth. i only grey out your false accusations, lies, slander, and scams...

So, you are saying that you can ask very slanderous questions but my answers have to be grayed out??

No honest person would do that.

but its not docs comment you grayed out. got something to hide?and the site link had important info about being skeptic about specific activities coin scammers engage in. why did you do that reid? it seems any reputable site would want investers warned about scamming so they could invest in "reputable" sites like yours instead. right melanie?

Oh absolutely. I am actually reading those links to help us be even more open and factual about our sale.

Thank you very much for providing those links.

So in the spirit of Troy Reid DBA @thediyworld, You pay him, and get NOTHING of value in return.

Just ask this Patreon subscriber customers from the last 17 months.
Reid receives monthly payments and REFUSES to provide the contractual content and promises.

Buyer Beware.

Uhhh, Patreon is a site where members pledge whatever they desire to help content creators. The videos they see are the value they get.

Contractual content? Really? Show me the terms where I promise any "contractual content"??

I mean, written by myself where I have an actual contract that someone signed.

If not, then your words are quite criminal.

just the words that came out of your own lying,scheming, scamming mouth fuckhead. " words to the effect of " join patreon and get content over and above my daily videos". you lied again fuckhead. i hate all you lazy fuckers that want everyone to pay for their fuckoff lifestyle,posting crap vids of their lazy way of life while they travel the country on everyone elses dime. you reid, take the cake. youre too lazy to even travel, getting up at the crack of 10 and a work ethic of work 15 min and take the next hr off to rehydrate and sneak in a couple naps during the rest of the day. crying poor me constantly,expecting free gifts and donations in the mail while mel frowns cuz she ONLY got a free pair of waterproof boots from someone instead of something expensive. youre teaching her well reid. teaching her to be a bum just like you. congrats. i still say shes gonna dump your ugly mug when her green card comes thru and she can use the lessons you taught her on how to get thru this life without working. but im afraid without any real life skills shell resort to spreading her legs to get another guy to support her THAT ACTUALLY WORKS! maybe shell even love him and respect him since you are the poster child of never having grown up to become a man.

What??? All of a sudden the nasty words??

Well, I just am not gonna read a single word after that.

My, the filth of it all.

Oh, someone grayed out my own comment. Then you guys whine and cry when I have to upvote myself. Oh the unfairness of it all you whine.

Oh, someone grayed out my own comment. Then you guys whine and cry when I have to upvote myself. Oh the unfairness of it all you whine.

Grey is the New Gold! me where my words are "criminal".

You just Take, and give NOTHING in return.
What do they get for pledging $1.00?

How about $5....$10....$20.....$100 per month.
Has anybody recieved anything from YOU in those categories?
Have you ever posted a "thank you" to those subscribers like it says....other Yt channels do it.
(Rollwithit sends out monthly thanks you cards, mylittlehomestead says "thank you" to their subs at the end of every do NOTHING!)
Has anyone received the special "one of a kind autographed" photo?
Where are the "daily videos" you promise?

The only "exclusive content" you provided on Patreon was the video directed to your trolls to unblock them from your failing YouTube channel for Steemit.
It wasn't even for your Patreon customers.
This is how low you operate.

It's called FRAUD!

Your "striving to be self-sufficient on a budget" motto is only a ploy to remain unemployable and live off of other people's money.

Oh, and a person doesn't have to "sign" a contract or "agreement" to be one of your victims.
You know nothing about the law.
And your daily ignorance does not exempt you either.

If you do not like our videos, that is fine.

If you do not believe us, that is fine too.

Just go find something you do like.

But your continued harassment of my family online and in the real world is criminal.

That's it?
No smart-ass rebuttals to your fraudulent activities with your Patreon account?

Troy, your comments towards me and your threat to violence is proof YOU are Harassing ME.

Stop playing the victim and grow the fuk up.

BTW, I see you've been too lazy to even update the Patreon account since I called you out this morning.
Still haven't updated any videos (free to the entire world BTW) since April 4.

I suppose me telling you that is criminal too?

And you think people are going to invest in your made-up worthless crypto coin with you and think they'll get paid by participating under your stricker than YouTube rules.

Finally, I am NOT Harassing "your family online and in the real world".
I doubt you know what the "real world" is.

I post videos on Patreon. People see them. No fraud there.

Interesting you guys grayed out my simple answer.

Wow, it certainly shows that you do NOT want the world to see that I am not harming anyone.

You post hurtful comments and questions but them gray out my answers.


Well, let the world judge for themselves.

More lovely Grey!

your post in regards to reid reminds me of the prick my ex used to work for. she was a cna doin a really "shitty" job at a nursing home this prick owned. never enough personell,they ran to take care of the residents there. this asshole gave all his employees a picture of his family as a christmas present one year. another arrogant prick. and he was rich and could afford something better than that. its narcisisitic behavior.

why do you only have 291 followers but have been here twice as long as i have? your only at 58 rep too... ive been here half as long and have literally more than twice the followers at 565 and my rep is 55.6 already. it must be because my content is better than yours and everyone sees you for the fraud you are lol... clearly you suck and should just quit like you do everything else you fail at...

I dont care about your numbers. You sound proud. Good, then run along and care for your own blog and leave my family alone.

Continued harassment of my family all these years online and in the real world is criminal.

You hear that Doc? @fixedbydoc .....Troy @thediyworld told you to "run along".
Just like his mommy did to him when she was canning his tomatoes and making his ketchup last fall.
Troy claimed he was too busy saving his videos before YT deleted them.
You may not have seen that episode but Troy was acting the fool while she was enabling her little boy.
Here is a photo from that day.
Notice that Troy is holding the tongs upside down?!

Terrell told Troy, "Just leave Troy".

you sound mad troy reid that i have proven to be better than you in every single aspect of life...

Good for you.

You go get them tiger!!!

Interesting. Looks like you are the one hurt. Odd. If you are so much better than I am and so proud of it, then why must you gray out my answers?

Hmmm, maybe you are not so happy afterall?

i grey out your answers because they are lies and it is fun and you go crying about it... im out to prevent you from earning a profit off lies, scams, fraud, and crimiinal activity. that means greying you out. you seem pissed i can do it without spending rented power and you cant earn enough to do it with your own without renting... perhaps if you were not a fraud and had real content you might earn a profit and have a quality account...

Well, I will thank you for one thing here.

You just openly stated that you are trying to prevent me from earning a profit from my work.

That helps my case a lot.

i am openly preventing you from trying to earn a profit by you scamming and ripping people off through your fraud.

I dont care how powerful your account is compared to mine.

The sad thing is that you spend all your time on my blog harassing me.

The sad thing is you waste all your down voting power graying out my own comments on my own blog.

Nobody will ever find me over on your site, or any of your sites, doing anything to you.

Let the world see for themselves.

i enjoy using my power to reveal your crimes and scams and fraud. the whole reason i even have an account here is for this purpose. to prevent you from running your scams...

poor jealous troy reid has nothing better to do than blame all his failures on me and others. you should get off the internet and disappear for good before you end up in prison.

Well, you have tried countless times to get me in prison for crimes I did not commit.

I got to know the local police, state police, sheriff, town hall, health dept, fire dept, FBI and many more.

They all watch my videos now too. My subscriber count keeps going up the more you turn me into different authorities for false crimes.

I guess there is something good coming from all this.

I am getting to know all the authorities and important people without leaving the convenience of my own home.

And my subscriber count keeps going up.

please provide evidence that i have EVER done anything to your family troy reid! stop the lies! no one is after your family! we are only out to refute your lies and prove you are a fraud!!!

Your own words here on the blockchain stand as evidence for the world to see.

yes my words calling you a fraud a liar a slanderer and a scam artist based on my 5yrs of observation of you and personal experience dealing with you. not criminal not harassment but the truth. i only speak the truth about you and i will never stop. if it were criminal you would be able to press charges at no expense to you. no lawyer and no cop will take your case because they know you are a fraud.

Hmm, seems like you did not like my answer.

My reply was grayed out by you. Let me try again:

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

i grey your comments out because you lie. tell the truth for a change...

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

if you told the truth and were not a fraud then you would have nothing to hide and the questions would not be harmful and accusational questions.

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

so you admit you are trying to skew the truth by greying out everyone who comments here about you...

Nice twist of words. But I do not have to accept harassment, slander and lies against me on my own blog.

No go run along and take care of your own life.

if what i do is criminal then why am i not in jail???

Because, as you know, have been too poor to sue you in court and you are too poor to persue in court.

The local police wont help me because you are in PA. The PA police wont help me cause I am not in PA.

But you know all that and it makes you feel all good and cozy.

Interesting that you keep graying out my answers.

You keep posting accusational and harmful questions but gray out my replies.

Now, a truly honest person would not do that.

lmao im nowhere near poor troy reid... you just know you would lose... and you claim what i do is criminal which if it were you would not need to sue as you could simply press charges. but since ive done no crime you cant press charges. you lie cheat steal and slander with your false claims. i dont sue you because you truly have nothing i want and you are poor. the police wont help you because you have no case...

troy uses his cult training without success

Anyone with half a brain can come on here and see for themselves two things:

  1. Ryan aka Doc, harasses me all over the internet.

  2. I do not harass anyone.

no troy what you do is scam everyone and commit fraud.

by the way what people see is my reporting your fraud and informing people of your scams.

yes i am ryan lipinski aka fixedbydoc


You harassed me in this blog post....

Soy-boi Troi has a sad....

please provide evidence of the owners and licenses and other data required by law that prove this diyt is legitimate. otherwise it is a fraud and scam if you refuse to prove it is not and therefore a violation of the SEC and FTC and IRS...

Yeah, so you can harass them too?

I think not.

You most likely already have but please feel free to turn me in to all those agencies.

As with all the things you have turned me in for all the years, I have nothing to fear.

So go ahead.

you have to give the documents and info according to LAW troy reid! if you refuse then you are violating SEC, FTC, IRS, and FBI LAWS!!! please provide said information according to the law or face criminal charges!

Oh, the repeatedness of it all. Ok, here we go again. All over the internet he asks the same thing again and again.

Documents of incorporation:

And DIY Tube Video is registered as a DBA under The Do It Yourself World LLC. I guess, if I had to, I could photocopy the DBA, but I dont think its that important. You can take my word that its working under The Do It Yourself World LLC.

But you already knew all that before.

That should cover your questions well enough.

Please feel free to ask my any further questions.

Thank you.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video Community

The Do It Yourself World LLC

And here are some helpful links for you as well:

The DIY Tube Video Community: where everyone gets paid for doing what they enjoy.

DIY Tube Coin homepage: where you can find all necessary information about DIY Tube Coins. Dont forget the official ICO from May 1 to June 15, 2018.

DIY Tube Blog site:

Here is the whitepaper for DIY Tube Video Community:

And here are the terms for the DIY Tube Coin sale:

And the original DIYT Coin contract address:

I can see your friends have been going hog wild on the comments there though slandering the company. I guess I have some damage control to take care of.

Well, another day in the life of fighting trolls.

Thank you for showing interest in DIY Tube Video.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video

where is the legally required information found at about your DIYT venture? you are supposed to provide it legally upon request. instead you keep flagging and deleting any requests made for it which is a crime under SEC and FTC laws and regulations... clearly that proves you are a fraud and DIYT is a scam!

HAHAHAH!!! Really?? It is a crime for me to flag your comments now??

Well turn me in to the comment authorities. I stand here and wait to be arrested.

Says the man who went running to steemit chat complaining about people greying out his comments...

Someone call a Waaaaaambulance!

he's a pussy that likes pedophiles and cults

it is a crime for you to refuse the requested information about your DIYT that is legally required for you to give. the fact you delete and grey out any requests for said information is proof your DIYT is a scam. please learn some reading comprehension skills.

Documents of incorporation:

And DIY Tube Video is registered as a DBA under The Do It Yourself World LLC. I guess, if I had to, I could photocopy the DBA, but I dont think its that important. You can take my word that its working under The Do It Yourself World LLC.

But you already knew all that before.

That should cover your questions well enough.

Please feel free to ask my any further questions.

Thank you.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video Community

The Do It Yourself World LLC

And here are some helpful links for you as well:

The DIY Tube Video Community: where everyone gets paid for doing what they enjoy.

DIY Tube Coin homepage: where you can find all necessary information about DIY Tube Coins. Dont forget the official ICO from May 1 to June 15, 2018.

DIY Tube Blog site:

Here is the whitepaper for DIY Tube Video Community:

And here are the terms for the DIY Tube Coin sale:

And the original DIYT Coin contract address:

I can see your friends have been going hog wild on the comments there though slandering the company. I guess I have some damage control to take care of.

Well, another day in the life of fighting trolls.

Thank you for showing interest in DIY Tube Video.

Troy Reid

DIY Tube Video

The whitepaper still does not list the staff, so it is not a legal document due to it being incomplete...

Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam Scam

no troy reid those links do not prove a thing and your words are not evidence. you need to provide the licensing codes and data straight from the agencies in charge of such.. you also by law need to provide the names of everyone involved in the ownership of this DIYT as well as the contact info. so far you have only given yours and the numbers and info you gave as being yours actually belong to people who have never heard of you or DIYT before. you need to provide the REAL information that REALLY belongs to you so when we call or contact them they know who you are and what DIYT is. you are a fraud and DIYT is a scam. you have been reported and you are being investigated.

fraud scams and liies troy... please show actual proof...

Ok. Boy this is tough getting through to you.

Ok, you demand the registration papers of my company form the source.

Well, from the Michigan Gov website:

Here is it again:
Documents of incorporation:

who are your partners troy???

why does the contact information for your business DIYT go to people who have never heard of you or DIYT???

that is a sign of FRAUD!!!

Again (boy you love to repeat things)

You can find the team members here:

Not sure of what you are stating in your claims

The Do It Yourself World LLC is registered to myself.

DBA DIY Tube Video is registered to myself.

The Whois registry for the websites point to myself.

Well look at that.

It would appear that you want to spread accusations but you keep graying out my answers.

Let me try again:

Oh, in case you missed it.

Here is it again:
Documents of incorporation:


So you demand proof of the business and say that if I do not provide proof then it is certainly a scam.

So I provide proof of the business and you gray it out.

Hmm, so your real agenda is only smearing the company and not looking for information?

Yeah, seems so.

all proof and evidence we have can be seen on proving you are running a scam.

That den of vipers? Its a meeting of trolls I blocked on youtube.


you only call them trolls because they disagree with you and call you out on your fraud...

you have not provided proof troy. what you provided was information you yourself generated to perpetuate your scam. proof would be information from the actual agencies that provide the licenses and certifications and other legal info that is required for you to be legit. proof would be you providing the legally required information about your partners. all of which you refuse to show and cannot show because it is a scam!

Oh boy. Here we go again.

Ok you want to see the documents from the government website.

Well, I keep trying but you keep graying out my comments.

Ok, here it is again:

Documents of incorporation:

lol that link does not show DIYT as being legitimate...

yes you have a LLC for the do it yourself world but NOT for your DIYT bullshit...

And the website about the team of DIY Tube Video Community, once again.

Try not to gray out my comments this time.

LMFAO!!! those people are not your investors. they are friends of yours that have no way of being legitimate. chris really? the guy you had living on your property illegally in pine bush? thought you said he was dying? and what is with the contact info missing and/or being wrong and directing to people who have never heard of you before? this just proves how much of a scam this is. you cant even produce professional pictures of your management...

Oh, so you did gray out my answers again. It seems that your intentions are only to harass and spread slander.

Here is what I wrote:

And the website about the team of DIY Tube Video Community, once again.

Try not to gray out my comments this time.

@thediywotld How many of these tokens have you sold so far? Let’s just say the world went completely crazy and you sold 40 million as planned at $0.10 each, what’s stopping you from taking the $4 million and running off to the Philippines, never to be seen or heard from again? Granted there would be an upside to you never infecting the internet with your trash and parasitic schemes, but not at the expense of gullible people handing their cash over to a charlatan like you.

Hmm, interesting. It would appear that your accusational questions are not meant to be answered.

I keep trying to reply but you keep graying out my answers.

Ok, here it is again:

The plan is to finish development of the DIY Tube Video Community. Anyone can see that it is a genuine business.

And anyone with any knowledge in the field would know that a large sum of money was used to get us to this point so far.

The plan is to finish development of the DIY Tube Video Community. Anyone can see that it is a genuine business.

And anyone with any knowledge in the field would know that a large sum of money was used to get us to this point so far.

Someone keeps graying out my comments. Let me try one more time here:

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

Very good. It is important to help protect people from scams.

And it also helps me to figure out how to improve our own business. Reading these articles shows us how to improve our own business to further generate trust in the community.

Thank you.

You know Mr. Reid, I might have even considered buying a few dollars worth of these coins as investments. Granted I'm not as intelligent as you are as this stuff just makes my head spin, I can't understand any of it. But how is it I get coins now that aren't yet listed on a coin exchange? What if they never get listed? What if you don't "raise enough proceeds" to get them listed? I guess I'm out a few bucks then?

Well, since you asked a very valid question, I will answer you with our whitepaper which explains it all in full detail:

Thank you for showing interest in and

@thediyworld -- Mr. Reid, I have finally gotten around to reading your white paper. The closest I could find to answering my questions was a statement that all sales during the ICO are final and non-refundable. Since you don't give a figure for how much you need to raise for operating expenses from the ICO, how is one to know when you have reached that figure? And if your coins don't get listed for some reason, then apparently we're out of luck. You get to keep whatever cash people sent you. I don't think I'll be participating in the ICO...

I must have missed it, but to be a legal document, the whitepaper needs to list the management staff of your business....

Yours is missing this, so is not a legal document, just some crap you copy/pasted from some other legitimate business...

Oh look. Someone did it again. Well, let me repost it:

Oh, isnt that sad? Someone grayed out my good and honest reply.

It would seem that you guys do NOT want a good and honest reply.

You guys just want to slander and smear the business.

Oh, isnt that sad? Someone grayed out my good and honest reply.

It would seem that you guys do NOT want a good and honest reply.

You guys just want to slander and smear the business.

you grey out ours so we grey out yours as that is how it works... only difference is you grey out ours because it is the truth you dont want heard. we grey out yours because it is lies and we dont want innocent people getting scammed by a fraud such as you...

Well, you keep shouting fraud and scam and demanding documents and articles, which I provide.

But then you delete my own evidence.

Looks like you only want to slander me and not really show the truth.

Otherwise you would not be graying out my answers now would you?

i will continue to prove you a fraud and your own documents prove you are as well...

why does your management team have no contact info? according to SEC that is a sign of fraud and a scam!

When registering the Domains for the latest web sites you have created, why have you used a Technical Contact phone number that doesn't belong to you?

Call the numbers he uses...One belongs to a little old lady that claims she never heard of Turd Reid....

scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam

Hmm, this was grayed out many times. Lets try again:

Ever hear of a prepaid?? They get recycled. I dont care what you read and where. You are a troll anyway.

@thediyworld @diy-tube-video

So you've used "a prepaid" - burner - phone for your Technical Contact? That is not very professional of you. Is this 'contact' phone still available should anyone have a question?

Incidentally, I've found three other names associated with this phone. What's your connection with them?

As I said, not very professional on your part.

not professional at all... the SEC says that is a sure sign of the company being a SCAM... so i filed an official complaint with the SEC about DIYT and it being a scam... they were very interested in hearing all about it. we talked for a long time and filled out a lot of forms. they said they will do a full investigation before notifying troy. if they find he is running a scam then he can face several years in jail.

now i know troy wont believe this so here is a screen shot of the case report number and details.

SEC Report.jpg

Ever hear of a prepaid?? They get recycled. I dont care what you read and where. You are a troll anyway.

Oh, did my answer hurt the wittle troll?

Someone grayed out my reply.

Let me try again.

Ever hear of a prepaid phone?

The phone numbers get recycled.

I guess you only wanted a slanderous comment and no real and honest reply huh


I've read your Whitepaper. Why did you feel it necessary to create a new cryptocurrency when there are numberous others?

Lets try a third time. you keep graying out my answers:

Interesting. It would seem that you guys do not want my answers yet you keep posting questions. Hmm.

Lets try again.

Quote: Well because each cryptocurrency is created for a certain purpose. Each company creates its own coin for use on its own platform. I had actually considered using another existing coin but that comes with complications in itself.

And, because you will gray it out. Lets go for one more:

Well because each cryptocurrency is created for a certain purpose. Each company creates its own coin for use on its own platform. I had actually considered using another existing coin but that comes with complications in itself.

And for good measure. one more time:

Well because each cryptocurrency is created for a certain purpose. Each company creates its own coin for use on its own platform. I had actually considered using another existing coin but that comes with complications in itself.

Interesting. It would seem that you guys do not want my answers yet you keep posting questions. Hmm.

Lets try again.

Quote: Well because each cryptocurrency is created for a certain purpose. Each company creates its own coin for use on its own platform. I had actually considered using another existing coin but that comes with complications in itself.

Well because each cryptocurrency is created for a certain purpose. Each company creates its own coin for use on its own platform. I had actually considered using another existing coin but that comes with complications in itself.