Bitcoin Users: NSA HAS BEEN SPYING ON YOU all along & the news is BTC could become illegal soon.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Rumors and conspiracy theories have, for quite a long time, associated Bitcoin with Government organizations, NSA and have attempted to warn users about the dangers of both the coin and the blockchain.

But who would pay attention while pocketing Returns Of Investment which reached multiple zeroes?

At times though, things that are just too good to be true simply are not, as proved by some NSA classified documents clearly stating that as early as 5 years ago the agency was in a hurry to track down Bitcoin users.


On a report leaked by Edward Snowden it can be read that Bitcoin was National Security Agency's number one priority.

The witch hunt did not stop at scanning the blockchain but it seems to have gone much further and deeper into users' privacy dipping into areas such as information about passwords, internet addresses and more.


And to add to the already shaky position and uncertain future of the Bitcoin Blockchain a recent research from a famous German University has shown how data can be added and hidden inside the blockchain itself.


Beside the use we all are familiar with -transferring funds- blockchains can also be used to permanently store data mainly in the form of messages and images which opens up to huge risks for users who must replicate the whole blockchain ( potentially harmful content included ) to use Bitcoin.

Among the 1600 files "added" to the blockchain and distributed to each and every unaware user, researchers found several links to child pornography which alone some argue could be ground to outlaw Bitcoin in every country where such material is illegal.


In the light of the information surfacing it is inevitable to ponder who really is behind the creation of Bitcoin and whether their purpose was to help humanity in its quest for freedom or if they meant the exact opposite.

If NSA has tapped into private information is it legitimate to postulate they could access users' accounts and zero their balances? Going a step further, is it conceivable to think THEY created Bitcoin?

If images and messages can be added to the blockchain and spread to every user and computer ( or phone..or tablet..or tv ) what else can be added? Viruses? Trojans? Super sophisticated tracking and spying algorithms?

The Pandora vase has been opened and no one knows what will keep coming out but one thing is certain: those who have Bitcoin positions or are very invested in it might have to reconsider them sooner rather than later.

What is your opinion?

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Very much... I wonder what will actually happen to all cryptos if this be the case....

My opinion is that the technology will evolve and increase users' protection but whether that is enough to outsmart Government agencies I really don't know.

Crypto and blockchains might end up very regulated by many countries ( which is happening already ) but I guess that would just be another name for spying on people.