Almost half of Indonesians have started to make cryptocurrency a major investment.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

I do realize, that many Indonesians are already familiar with online trading such as forex or binary options. But I didn't expect that almost half of Indonesians have started to make cryptocurrency a major investment.

Recently one of TNS's leading research institutions released data that 63% of Indonesia's population already knew cryptocurrency. Crypto popularity in Indonesia defeated Malaysia, France, Italy, and Romania. Even according to the International Decentralized Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (IDACB) report, Jakarta is the highest crypto-capital in the world.

Currently, 49% of Indonesians know about crypto assets claiming they want to have cryptocurrency. This amount can be more stable because of the price stability is the main reason (42%) of public concern about cryptocurrency.

Transaction security is one of the biggest issues for cryptocurrency enthusiasts (38%) and as many as 36% say they are willing to adopt the digital currency if there is a trusted transaction and storage transaction provider.

In Indonesia, cryptocurrency has been designated as a commodity subject that can be traded in the futures trading market by the Ministry of Trade through the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti). Since the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin which is one type of cryptocurrency has increased in value by more than 500% which makes it one of the best-performing assets.

The type of cryptocurrency most Indonesians have is Bitcoin, as many as 83% of respondents already have this asset. In addition to Indonesia, Bitcoin also dominates the markets of other countries. Other types of assets that are popular in Indonesia are Ethereum (36%).

Social media (social media) is the main source (67%) of Indonesians to obtain information about cryptocurrency. Besides social media, family and relatives (45%) and mass media (42%) are also a source of information for Indonesian people to know cryptocurrency.

So what do you think, is this the right step to start investing in cryptocurrency.

Please comment below, okay!

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Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble

Yeah, I know.
Thank you for your advice^^