New video: What is a Decentralized Exchange?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Hi Steemers!

I've been doing a lot of research lately into the wave of decentralized exchanges hitting the market - today, I'd like to share some of that knowledge with you :)

In my latest video, I explore the benefits of decentralized exchanges (DEX for short) and breakdown some of the options including EtherDelta, the 0x protocol, Kyber Network, the SWAP protocol (aka Airswap) and Omega One.

If you've ever wondered how decentralized exchanges work or what options are coming soon, this is the video for you!

Just drop your questions in the comments below and I'd be happy to get back to you.


Hi ummjackson. Thanks for your post. You have triggered me to think also. Do you see that a decentralized exchange is possible that will replace an exchange as the NYSE? Or is it logical that such a large compay will implement blockchain in their businessmodel? I'm pretty new to these new technology but find it very interesting.

Also which cryptocurrencies will be most usefull?

Due to the nature of high frequency trading and the money involved in the stock exchange, I honestly don't think the tech is there just yet to support that kind of exchange. Each of the systems I mentioned in the video make quite large compromises in terms of cutting away functionality that traditional exchanges offer (eg. removing the notion of an order book) and I don't think the mainstream world is ready for that yet. Let's see how the tech evolves within the crypto space over the next 1-2 years and then revisit it's broader applications.

May have just got yourself a subscriber ;) Think you deserve a bit more of an audience to be honest. Thank you for the content!

Thanks! Appreciate that a lot :) I'm just doing my best to help share the knowledge, I spend enough time researching it so hope I can add value in getting others up to speed.

Keep pushing, you will grow over time!!