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RE: Is MyWillPlatform a serious DigiPulse competitor for Digital Inheritance service? ICO Review

It is crucial for the success and future of crypto to have thinking and rational people like you on board. I totally agree, the majority of the ICO projects will fail. Many founders are forgetting, that if you are given a hammer, not everything is a nail ...

The folks looking for a quick easy buck will never listen to you. It is our human nature, the hope for miracles is a way too mighty drug. It makes our lifes easier to master. One way or the other ;) Just look at the success of the TV preachers (especially in US), it's mind-boggling what those fraudster broadcast every day and make a fortune with it. And you could spend your lifetime explaining and argumenting the nonsenses to those people, they will never listen to you.

I am positive that we will figure out how to introduce smart boundries to ICO sooner or later. Some folks will get burned, that's inevitable. But we are doing our best by pointing it out and it's up to them to make something out of it.

Don't let the nay-sayers discourage you.


What the smart people can do, is call-out the failings of dodgy investment schemes, so other smart people can read and not waste time repeating the study, thus spending more time on genuine investments. As for those who won’t read the negative reviews, that’s their problem. Something will always part them from their money. It may be a three-legged horse, or a fat greyhound.

Please keep reviewing these ICOs

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