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RE: Almost ALL IN into BTC and EOS...

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Nice article. You can’t go wrong with EOS and BTC in my opinion. I think everyone should also have some of their money in other projects like Stellar and/or Ripple. I say that because they’re targeting a completely different market...the banks. Most are no fans of centralized banks. That said, they aren’t going away anytime soon...and they have a ton of backing. That said, why not profit from it?


I don't have problem with banks but I don't like at Ripple that they are not promoting usage of XRP. All that business with banks doesn't have anything with XRP and I am sorry for that. If they are pushing XRP to be used for bank money transfer, XRP would be HUGE...

Actually they are promoting the use of XRP. They've got 2 products that are being tested, X-Current (nothing to do with XRP) and X-Rapid (which uses XRP). Both are being tested. While companies could use X-Current without X-Rapid, financial institutions have incentive to use X-Rapid, along with X-Current, as it will save them time and money. I believe AMEX is the latest company to announce testing of X-Rapid...but I'll have to look that up. Either way, Ripple is promoting XRP. As with all projects, time will tell if/when it ever actually gets used. That said, if it does, price will explode. Same concept with XLM. This is why I recommend having just a portion of your portfolio in one or both of these coins. If they ever take off, sky will be the limit.