Finland Abandons Universal Basic Income Experiment After Two Years

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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The problem isn't money itself. It's human being's and their relationships with each other. This is the real issue here.

It's become a really challenging thing to take the world reflection back to a self-reflection.

It's common sense at this point that everyone needs money.

The really "challenging" thing for people is inclusion and worthiness. To include everyone and everything in your outlook of regard would mean that you are not more special or more important than anyone else. We've been conditioned to think that some lives are more valuable than other lives based on the "tricks" that can be turned. It's like, "do a backflip" or "weave this thing together" or "give your opinion about this".

Point is - we are living in a collectively shared reality where it is self-justified to dismiss the value and regard for all life here as "equal and one". It's like such a stretch of the mind for most at this point to fathom this reality. There's been so much conditioned thinking based upon "knowledge and information" as a means of separating humans into various class systems of intelligence.

Education thus becomes like this great divide where it's like this game of competing to be clever enough to create a "trick" play that you are able leverage to your benefit to make a profit. It's really weird when we think about this from a macro perspective.

It's like there's a shit ton of inferior products created daily - based on the business model of "planned obsolescence". It's utilized because the "cost benefit analysis" is justified because a profit is made. What is not considered is the abuse that must occur. It's all justified because it is allowed and defined as "legally" acceptable conduct of business.

Then there's the argument that if mostly everyone was on the same page with a general regard for themselves and so the world that we wouldn't be very innovative as it's argued it's through war and strife that drives innovation and technology advancement. This kind of argument is justifying that there needs to be this kind of fear for survival under your ass otherwise you cannot function as a product of a war economy. Your hardwiring will not compute if you are not anxiety riddled living in fear for your survival trying/working to "make it".

It's very seldom mentioned that this concern that the majority of people won't do anything if their better provided for ...and so it should be avoided for their best benefit. This is total bullshit. What we have today is a world where mostly everybody doesn't do shit. From the rich to the poor. How many people take time to think beyond themselves as individuals and look at the world collectively here? It's like yes people are busy as fuck in this day and age - but is anybody really doing anything? I mean seriously - we've got a conditioned system of movement in accordance to money. It's like the fuel for your mind battery.

What about "healthy competition"? Where there's a creative collaboration of sorts and there's a sportsmanship and honor as the camaraderie for your fellow mates?

When you can discount humans as being not relatable and separated from you - what you're doing is justifying the acceptance of chaos through the principle of "divide and conquer".

The big concern with Finland's experiment and reasoning for stopping it - is it's just too expensive. It will create added costs to other services. (The real issue here is accounting and accountability. The project was never really taken seriously as something that could be massively integral to the development of the nation and the people of the nation. No - it was regarded as another tax payer expense. There wasn't much ingenuity or creativity that went into providing an adequate structure of support that is indeed sustainable. Granted, the project wasn't running all that long and for anything to really substantiate itself - require time and space to grow, mature and develop effectively.

It's questionable as to whether or not government pre-emptively shut the project down out of concerns of losing control and dominance over time of the populace. I mean - do we really need so many government officials in any one nation state. How much are they really contributing to the betterment of the country?

This question of "contribution" and "worthiness" as like, "Are you deserving of the reward/treat/care" you must have accomplished something in order to get it. Like you must first give in order to get.

How many people around the world are mostly preoccupied with merely "surviving" - working to survive.

There's so much work done that's unnecessary from the perspective that things are possible to be way more organized and efficient. There's so much redundancy - it's ridiculous.

The reason why there's so much redundancy - is collectively, we haven't figured out in a common sense way the reason to include everyone/everything in the equation of "Life Regard for Planet Earth". It's an interesting point because with advancements in technology/machines less and less physical labor is required to get work done. So this is interesting because it's been increasingly happening for decades - is that less people are actually needed to do physical labor. With less people being required to do physical work - this means that the existing business/companies become more cost effective and can make greater profits.

So it's like more and more people have been excluded from participating in this world over time. It's like increasingly so that people are marginalized and disregarded. I mean lets have a quick look at what's happening with immigration and boarder crossing's. It's like in a way that each country is it's own prison system of sorts and the citizens/prisoners have different 'privileges and opportunities depending upon their "zone". There's upper class and there's lower class. The balance is an instability that is justifiably balanced as being valid and making sense as the "have's and have not's".

What this really reflects as a human species collectively - is there is not enough self-regard. There's not enough regard for the interconnectedness of all things here. There's a real lack of self-value. It's like on an individual level, the accepted and allowed inferiorities and inadequacies, create this massive collective fuck-up. And each and everyone is more or less accountable for the fuck-up we have here as a real travesty against the best life.

Finland Abandons Universal Basic Income Experiment

Money is Empty

To be continued...

Let Me Know What You Think - Let's keep the discussion going - It's important to communicate about the things that aren't being talked about all that much. When we make a point of addressing the problems - we can in fact get into viable solutions.

It's like my body is a "living ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





Im all for a UBI!! Im very upset with current system and how it leads people to treat their fellow man with complete disregard!
Sad to see they didnt take this experiment seriously enough to figure out how to make it work in the long term.
With the rise of the smart robot, its only a matter of time before something like this must be adopted to outweigh the displacement they will create in the workforce.
I feel like there should be a fund every single person pays into or even a general tax on goods and services to fund such a project.
With such smart minds in our world society, there has to be a few people that can figure out a fair way to make this a reality!

Check out "The Venus Project" when you get a chance if you havent already!
Hopefully we can achieve that type of civilization in the upcoming centuries!
Great post!
Upvoted Followed and Resteemed!

thanks for your comments.

I feel like there should be a fund every single person pays into or even a general tax on goods and services to fund such a project.
With such smart minds in our world society, there has to be a few people that can figure out a fair way to make this a reality!

  • One of the most important topics of discussion

I will take a look at the venus project - I am somewhat familiar with it as I took note of it some years ago. Thanks for mentioning it - it hasn't at all been on my radar for a long while. Will probably do a write up - thanks for again for your shares here.

Best regards to you. Cool to connect

Yeah i heard about it a while back but just started getting back into it seeing technology advance the way it has the last few years!
Great to connect!

So what's going to happen when the robots take over? 57% of the world's jobs are at risk of being automated...the only answer I have seen out there is universal basic income.

Totally agree! More people need to start thinking about this before its to late!
It's going to cause massive changes to our societies!
Following you!

Really deep post regarding the monetary value associated with life, and in my opinion people from ages followed the majority and minority case and some people enjoy the large amount of resources and in my opinion the educational system also became an business now and we are not giving education to students, instead we are giving competition and that competition is increasing the inferiority complex and in turn we are leading towards the lack of jobs and many more stuff in this world because in my opinion the basic system all over the world is corrupted. Let's hope that an change will come soon. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

This is the system you've been waiting for!

Thanks for sharing your introspection here - it is indeed appreciated.

Welcome and thank you so much. 🙂

Equality is a funny thing. I believe that as humans, we have the equal right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Since we are not equal in our abilities, we will not be equal in our outcomes and results. So there will be times that some of us will achieve more than the rest of us, but we all should have the freedom to pursue those lofty goals. And if we desire more, then we must be prepared to have to work harder and smarter than those around us to who desire the same.

We can not control what family we were born into, the social economic status of our family, or the country of our birth, but we can keep pressing forward.

I wish you all the best as you take your unique abilities and talents and pursue a better life.

I once heard there is enough trees and stone in the state of Pennsylvania or any other comparable size state to make a Mansion for every person in the world.
The problem is the distribution of resources. Once a resource is plentiful and easily available it costs almost nothing.
We live in a greed system and have been since the beginning of time.
We need to switch to a resource based economy and start helping every human on the planet!

I agree. We definitely need to be helping others. I feel very strongly about that too. Your point is spot on about greed!

We think about ourselves first and only. We are consumed with our well-being. And unfornately it seems that our past will be repeated again and again in the future.

Check out "The Venus Project"
It might change your outlook on the future! =)

thanks for your comments - I think I'm going to utilize them to expand upon a post on the, "funny thing about Equality."

Cheers and the very best of regards to you

very very beautiful

perfect implementation does not exists that's why i was worried about it