The Agenda Is Set, Next Phase The Central Bank - Episode 1620a

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The Fed announced they are not considering digital currency, just like the Fed said back prior to the 2008 recession, they are not predicted or do not see a recession anytime soon. The US debt is not being paid down, the payments are going to the interest and soon the tax receipts will not be enough to cover the interest. Trump takes the next step, calls out the Fed and drops the first set of bread crumbs to create the narrative on why the economy crashed.


Thanks again, Dave. Thanks for the info.

I want to bring up one little detail that it seems no one is talking about.. That if they make a crypto version of the US Dollar (In reality the FRN or Petro dollar). This has to be able to work through their SWIFT system, and it is not ready for that. The western SWIFT system is not even designed for cryptos, IE: blockchain... This might be one reason they keep holding off on a crypto and are looking at digital currency, which they already have.
I know the people over at the SWIFT system are trying to put together some kind of blockchain tech involving Etherium, IBM's Hyperledger fabric tech, and R3's Cordia.. On top of this they have to make it an ISO standard which they are developing through the Australian Central Bank. So far it looks like they have the format,,, but the formal standard is not released yet.. I wish I had more info, as the details are way above my technical abilities.
Whats even more important, the Russian version of the SWIFT system is up and going.. You had mentioned it being called then SPSF.. It has been transitioned to something called CyberFT and it is a whole lot more than just the financial use. There is not a lot out there about this system and am guessing it integrates the blockchain tech. I have a couple articles about the CyberFT system with he data I could find. They are on my steemit page..
This link is a technical look at the components they are using for adding blockchain tech into the western SWIFT system.
Below that is a FB comment I made in relation to the info in this X22Report..
Thanks for the work your doing..!!!

I thought I would make a couple posts that if you are really interested in seeing why Russia and Putin are so demonized as of lately.. The bottom line is the Central Banking system is dying. The BRICS have successfully developed a new financial system. China has made the Yuan, Gold, and Oil convertible with one another. Some time shortly they will add in the Crypto Yuan. Basically they have broken the paradigm from a gold or asset backed systme. To a resource based economy that can operate on a global level.

The real lynch pin to make this work is not with China,, its Russia.. They have created an alternative to the swift system (if you don’t know what the swift system is, go do some research, its important).
it looks like there are two components to this. There is the SPSF, this looks like it is the specifically financial part for doing cross border payments. There is another bigger part to this called the CyberFT system. This takes care of not only another part of the financial system. This also handles government documentation and records, Land and Property Titles, plus a whole lot more..
It looks like this is all Blockchain based. What kind of blockchhain tech this is,, that is a mystery I can not find an answer to yet.. But if someone can find out, I would like to know, because once that is public knowledge,, all coins that utilized this Blockchain are going to do very well..
It’s the same for the Crypto Yuan, no one knows what that Blockchain tech is yet and the Chinese are keeping a very tight reign on this info..
Russia and China are keeping a tight reign on this because they will do the announcements after all the testing, and checks and balances are done.. These people are not messing around and take this move to a new system seriously.

Its no wonder the Central banks are all up in arms because there is already transactions taking place outside of their system.. They are not only desperate for a major event on the scale of a world war to reset their financial system. They are piecing together their version of a crypto currency and a Blockchain compatible swift system.. And it is not looking good.. Their system will function, it will be slick and shiny. But it will still be based solely on the central banking template and narrative..

Additionally the payment systems are already in place and working.. China has the CIPS,, and Russia has the MIR system. I believe the Visa and Mastercard already have agreements as well…
Other places in the world are already doing trade outside of the dollar.. I talked with a man who lives in the Philippines and he said if you try to buy something from the average merchant there in US dollars,, they will make you go to the exchange and convert it into the local currency..
I also talked with a man who just spent 9 years in China,, he said they are the vast amount of transactions digitally through their phones.. That’s the comparative of the US still using the abacus..

Its one thing to roll out a new system.. But you have to get others to buy into that new system. And as much as the Central Banks have screwed over just about every nation and peoples it has come in contact with. Countries will be making other choices.. As a general rule with Russia,, they may not make things that are slick or pretty. But they work under the worst conditions, they are cost effective, they are well thought out. And at the very least with the financial arena, they may have their corrupt aspects, however they are making a showing on the world stage with an impressive amount of maturity. Plus they don’t care about ruling the world,, that’s the Central bankers narrative..

Thank you, great comment!

Hi Dave, we are trying to figure something out. Trump put Powell in the lead Fed position because he says in the video below that Powell has integrity. Why then would Trump need to worry that Powell will push the rates up, cause the crash and then use the media to control the narrative and blame the very President that put him into the Fed?

Does Trump and his pick for Fed have a plan to work together to protect the economy? Is Trumps pick to run the fed an undercover patriot? Help us understand. Thanks

Trump Expresses many compliments about Powell

Trump wants to increase spending for government with as much debt as possible so it looks like he is a great president that created a great economy. The extraction of wealth from the middle class and America continues, and Trump is the best person to make everyone believe it is making America great again. There is no secret plan.

In relation to your mentioning Trumps economy sadly he inherited most of what we see today but I am a bit confused about Trump wanting to increase Military spending and on top of that it is said that he has asked other countries to do the same. I don't understand why he would not opt to spend dollars on improving our crumbling infrastructure, It would create a lot of jobs and small business would pop up to support these infrastructure projects. Projects like these would be excellent for the country I think.

Why increase Military? Trump said he wants our military to stop being the world police so I am confused by this. Here is a piece in the NYT (which has caught being fake) stating Trump wants to put 54 Billion dollars into military -this is a staggering amount, where will he get this from and how will this effect Americans who for the most part are choosing between food and car insurance?

I fear these decisions would lean toward Israel who has a different type of globalist agenda. I fear this because of Israel's latest behavior after the request for Iran to leave Syria I hope I am wrong on this score.

Further about the economy, I am also confused about NATO's future, it was created to keep Russia in line, then the wall went down, it was again propped up by the War on Terror for the past 17 years, now that the USA has lost the Middle East and Trump is making friends with Russia, what will NATO's function be? What is Trump's reason for strengthening Militaries? My husband is a SQUID so I am not thinking about these questions from an arm chair position.

If X22report or SGTreport are correct about the military "good guys" that wanted to put Trump in office or have a coup to take back America. Then his increase to military spending is probably earmark payback to the military industrial complex for helping him get elected. Also people who support the "police the world policy", are a large portion of his base campaign contributers. Unfortunately, people voted so he would end this policy and end the wars abroad. But, it looks like he has no intention of doing what he said. Why? He has surrounded himself with those that wish to maintain the status quo, and they provide him with many fear based arguments to maintain their power. Expect more of the same, but with different ways to achieve the same objectives.

I HOPE this is not the case but it has been the path since the beginning with a couple of exceptions.

Dave, you nailed the US real estate market through the illusion. Following Zillow on South Carolina ( a hot market) and I get notificaitons that the prices are falling (by 10%).

When the collapse happens everyone will know it wasn’t TRUMP , and the BANKSTERS will have nowhere to hide .